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Dungeon Chess - Rules

Mission: Capture as many Characters and survive as many moves as possible to increase overall and movement scores.
Scoring: When a Player is CHECKMATED, that Player's Capture Value is added to the Capture Score for every Character still in the room. Dominance is the number of Characters Captured. Trophies - the number of types of Characters captured. Survival Score is the number of moves made by a Player. Adventure - the number of Rooms explored by a Player.
Game End: A Player is in CHECKMATE when no moves are available OR a player has a "0" movement score.
Entering and Exiting Rooms: The NOW allows infinite rooms with up to 8 players per room! Players ENTER through standard doors - 4 ENTER doors and 2 EXIT doors per room. Players are cued, one per turn (max.) and if any door is threatened by other players, that door is not available for entry. If all doors are blocked, no entry is allowed for that room, and new players are initiated in a different room. REAL players can exit through the two EXIT doors available per room.
Player Movement: Movement is turn based. Players must move at least once per turn and have 30 seconds to move. Movement through different Terrain affects movement score for some movement types.
Multiple Players: Maximum of 8 Players per room.
Rooms: Each Room is different and has a random set of Terrain and door location.
Character Movement: Each Character has just one of 12 movement types. Each Player moves and then all of the Characters in the room move. If a Character is captured during the Player moves, another is created as part of the Characters' turn. Monster movement is severely restricted by terrain.
Select Terrain to calculate effect on movement and movement score
NOTE: When you see a negative number to the right, these are areas that the Character can't move. In the game, the darker terrain severely restricts or stops a Character's ability to move through it. For players, moving through the darker terrains deducts points from their movement scores.

Door For Entering Enter and EXIT doors - there is no move score discount for landing on one of the Enter doors for any player. A Player must have enough movement score to land on an EXIT point to move there - the cost is 5 movement points.

Door For EXIT A REAL Player's movement score is not actually deducted 5 points for exiting a room - it is simply required to have a movement score of 5 or more to exit. Computer players can't exit rooms, and they are charged an additional 5 points to land on the EXIT.
CLICK HERE to lean more abount the Characters

Select Movement Type and Terrain
to see how it affects movement.
Show Movement Type and Capture Value

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