Law of Life (Plus 10 Associated Articles) It’s time to stop and smell the roses. It’s time to learn to take charge of your life and start realizing the future that you want instead of the one you have.“Today is the first day of the rest of your life”.Take Action Today ! Sat, 07 Aug 2010 12:43:19 PST en-us Law of Life Sat, 07 Aug 2010 12:43:19 PST Are you struggling to raise capital and launch your business? Would you like to know where the investors are? If you are having trouble raising capital, you either are not in the right space or your don't understand The Language of Capital. When you know where to find the investors (not venture capital people who want 60-70% of your business) and you know the language of capital, you can raise all the capital you need. Sun, 01 Apr 2012 02:55:06 PST Modern Life Link My new site about cultures, lifestyles, and activities. Tue, 05 Jan 2010 11:11:04 PST Full Life Cycle Web Development Full Life Cycle software development is a gradual process followed in software development. It is also called the software life cycle. Today, this involves teams of experts in various fields such as analysts, testers, architects, programmers, and even end users and a broader definition includes the CMMi (Capability Maturity Model Integration). The main importance of these techniques is to set goals for deliverables and manage expectations of the clients. Sun, 04 Sep 2011 02:14:32 PST Are You Too Busy for Friendship? Many of us today are so busy that the only social life we still have time for is sending emails to our friends. Relationships take time to develop, and when we let ourselves stay too busy with work our spirit suffers. Make time for friends in your life. Sat, 23 May 2009 04:07:58 PST Bonding With Your Partner – Without Candles, Wine Or Lingerie! Summary: Many partners attempt to bond with candles, wine or lingerie, only to find their time together feeling flat, empty and passionless. In this article, discover what really creates bonding, intimacy and passion with your partner.A journalist interviewed me regarding intimacy in relationships. One of her questions was, “What are some of the easy ways in which husband and wife can bond - without candles and wine and expensive lingerie?”Easy ways? Well, it depend... Sat, 23 May 2009 04:07:59 PST Building Bridges, Not Walls! Only twenty years ago, people would casually stroll the neibourhood, stop and chat with each other or walk down the street and greet you cordially. Nowadays people walk at a very fast pace and for the most part just walk past you looking at the ground lost in their own thoughts. It seems less people will say hello to a stranger. So it seems to a lesser degree with family and friends. Have we in this society lost some of our ability to communicate? Are we so involved in ou... Sat, 23 May 2009 04:07:59 PST Communication In Romance Romance. Can it be discussed? It has to be experienced, isn't it? But, let us talk of romance, because we cannot avoid discussion about it. Let those in love, decide how correct is the below discussion on communication in romance. Romancing is not a science, but an art. When you talk to your beloved, you talk not only with your words, but with your eyes and your body language....Read on Sat, 23 May 2009 04:08:00 PST Do You Have Faith In Your Partner? Faith is one of the biggest assets. Most of us have faith in God. That means that we always believe that god will help us whenever we call on him. Sat, 23 May 2009 04:08:01 PST Elija a su esposo conociéndolo antes del matrimonio La religión, sociedad y estadísticas están en contra de que las parejas vivan juntas antes del matrimonio. ¿Piensas que es necesario prestar atención a lo que estas dicen? O ¿prefieres tomar tus propias decisiones? Sat, 23 May 2009 04:08:01 PST Embracing Life In Difficult Times Preparing for death is not something we're instinctively ready to do, but every family faces loss. With that, there are emotional and financial steps we must take to ensure that we continue living out our hopes and dreams. It's what our loved ones want most for us. Sat, 23 May 2009 04:08:01 PST