Relax Your Way To Public Speaking (Plus 10 Associated Articles) Believe it or not, fear of death is actually second to the one greatest fear that the majority of humanity seems tensely afraid of: fear of speaking in public. If fear is all that you are thinking, then forget about that presentation that could earn your company and you the necessary sales. Presentation and public speaking is one of the most efficient as well as effective manner in making your products and services known. Why deny your product or service the chance to be ... Sun, 08 Aug 2010 06:40:06 PST en-us Relax Your Way To Public Speaking Sun, 08 Aug 2010 06:40:06 PST GLI Speaking Engagements Information We have provided this information to help you get the most out of speaking engagements from Grace Lee. Wed, 21 Aug 2013 05:15:51 PST Get Evaluations to Grow You know what you're saying or writing; but what is the audience hearing or reading? The tips in this article will help you get feedback, and get you feedback you can use. Sun, 24 May 2009 11:20:15 PST How to Become a Motivational Speaker Are you an engaging speaker who has had many interesting, rewarding experiences? Motivate yourself to motivate others and get paid for doing so. Sun, 24 May 2009 11:20:15 PST Speak. Stop. Start Speaking Again. Don't be afraid of pauses or long moments of silence when you make a presentation or speech. They can get and hold attention better than almost anything you can say. Sun, 24 May 2009 11:20:18 PST Speech Making Basic Tips It is no secret that public speaking is causing a lot of fear and stress, in fact public speaking ranks high in causing fear in many of us.The problem that most of us face is not speech making per se, it is actually any kind of frontal lecture or exchange of information that we need to deliver. College students are well aware of the devastating effects of the fear of public speaking, the need to present seminars or to protect a work from criticism makes public speaking “v... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:20:18 PST Cross Pens: Putting Your Imagination Into Words Writing as an ArtNot many are born writers but for sure, there are a talented few. Many view writing as a mode of human expression but for some, it is also a form of art. If a painter creates majestic and colorful artworks and masterpieces using a brush and a canvas, a writer uses his or her pen to appropriately blend wonderful words and sentences into one engaging literary artwork. For a writer, it all starts to one's boundless imagination, a conjuring of thoughts and me... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:05 PST Choose Life: A Eulogy For My Mother After a long illness, my mother passed away in June 2006. Even though we all knew she had little time left, her death still came as a shock. My brothers helped me write the eulogy, and I delivered it. I almost made it through, maintaining my composure and humor right to the end. But, final goodbyes are never easy. With the last sentence, a poignant and personal message to our mother from my brothers and myself, I lost it. To cry at your mother’s funeral is natural and exp... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:59:35 PST 5 Surefire Tips To Better Public Speaking Public Speaking Tip #1KNOW YOUR TOPIC! I don’t mean know your topic, I mean inside and out, upside down, what ever question someone could throw at you, you know the answer. Sun, 24 May 2009 12:13:12 PST 5 Ways to Liven Your Audience Has a boring speaker ever put you to sleep? Your head begins to nod as you fight off the urge to slip mercifully into the Land of the Z’s. Or has your mind ever wandered during someone’s dull presentation? Although you appear to listen intently, what you are really thinking about are the million tasks waiting for you at home.Sure, this has happened to all of us, more than we would like to admit. However, don’t let it happen to you when you are the speaker. Sun, 24 May 2009 12:13:12 PST 9 Tips for Handling Public Speaking Questions Do you know how to handle questions from an audience? This article provides nine simple steps that make you look professional, in control and in a manner that reflects on your message. Sun, 24 May 2009 12:13:12 PST