How do you move from a rut to a groove? (Plus 10 Associated Articles) Where are you at the moment? Are you in a Rut?Do you want to get out of it? Sun, 08 Aug 2010 06:52:03 PST en-us How do you move from a rut to a groove? Sun, 08 Aug 2010 06:52:03 PST Friendship Day - Bury Old Enmity Friendship day is celebrated on August 7, every year. It is a day to wish our friends and meet and have fun together. Can we use this day for something else? Sat, 23 May 2009 04:08:03 PST Love - Balance Emotions And Intelligence Love is euphoric. Love is enchanting. Love is heavenly. Love is captivating. And Love is something no one can describe. Love has to be felt, it cannot be explained. Sat, 23 May 2009 04:08:08 PST Relationships And Poor Communication To communicate means to tell about our feelings, and our thoughts. When we communicate, our words may not say precisely what is in our mind, but when somebody takes... Sat, 23 May 2009 04:08:12 PST Speaking Your Truth to Your Partner Mark sought my help because he was thinking of leaving his wife, Linda. He had not been feeling in love with Linda for a long time, but they had two children and he really didn’t want to break up the family.“Mark,” I asked, “Were you ever in love with Linda?” Sat, 23 May 2009 04:08:16 PST Why Lovers Hurt Their Beloved Most? A lover, who claims to love, can never hurt his/her beloved. Love demands that you care utmost for your beloved. You are concerned about their feelings. Sat, 23 May 2009 04:08:20 PST Date Lying A reader of my articles wrote to me about the article I wrote entitled, “Why do People Lie?” He said that he would be “very interested in a similar article with examples about all the lying that women do….At least in the initial stages of dating, women lie sooooo much.” Sun, 24 May 2009 08:14:50 PST Why Do People Lie? Amanda and Ron had been married for six years and had two small children. I had counseled them during some difficult times in their marriage, but had not heard from them for a while. Then Amanda scheduled an emergency phone session with me. She was very upset. Sun, 24 May 2009 08:40:33 PST How often to write articles and where should I keep them? On the one hand I don't want to have to submit more than one article a day, I use a posting utility but yet I still have to log in to each site and submit to each site. But on the other hand there are days when come up with many different subjects, different ideas, that would make great articles. I have created a specific directory to keep these articles organized but there still is the problem of having to open an article and using the copy and paste function having to copy and paste the s... Sun, 24 May 2009 09:54:51 PST How To Get More People To Trust What You Say Here are some great tips on how to overcome one of the biggest challenges in every businesses advertising, how to gain the trust of potential customers! Sun, 24 May 2009 10:52:35 PST How to Concentrate in 4 Magic Steps Learn how to stay focused through the turmoil of life by following a few tips that teach you how to concentrate on your goal. Fri, 26 Jun 2009 09:56:12 PST