Know Your Course: Weather Conditions (Plus 10 Associated Articles) Sunny weather can be very conducive for most sports enthusiasts. The scorching heat of the sun can even boost ones stamina to do better in any game. However, ever knew of any game that can be played even when there's a rainstorm? Surely, not many people can enumerate any sport that can be executed even when its raining hard.All sports, especially those played outdoors are affected by the changes in weather conditions. The first to be really impacted upon are the players w... Sun, 08 Aug 2010 07:49:35 PST en-us Know Your Course: Weather Conditions Sun, 08 Aug 2010 07:49:35 PST How To Create A Winning Headline In Just Minutes Keywords that cut to the heart of your prospect’s pleasure or pain zone are certain to capture the attention and interest of that specific group. Dynamite benefits, extra advantages and unique solutions all naturally draw attention and interest. To the prospect suffering from a seemingly incurable case of Hay Fever, a headline such as “Stop Hay Fever In Seconds With This Secret Ingredient Found In Every Refrigerator!” is guaranteed to interrupt his online travels and the ... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:07 PST How To Find The Novel That Only You Can Write Most people think writing a novel is just writing. I have lost count of the number of people who say “I want to write a novel” and think that they will just sit down, put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard, and the whole thing will just unfold before them. I’ve read a few novels, they think, why can’t I write one?If only it were that easy!The process of writing any story is exactly that, a process. And whether you are tackling a novel, a short story, an essay or a no... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:07 PST How To Get Started Writing Your Sales Letter In Just Minutes Anxious to get started writing your sales letter? Good. I strongly urge you to begin with a plan. With a simple plan or outline in place, you’ll be armed with all the essentials you need to create a powerful and persuasive piece.It doesn’t matter what your writing project is – book, report, or sales letter. Planning makes life easier. It organizes your thoughts. It gives you a roadmap to follow so you’re never stuck at a dead end. A sales letter plan forces you to think t... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:07 PST People Building Newsletter No.2 People Building is an NLP and Hypnotherapy Training company.This month we have focused on the mind-boggling but fascinating world of quantum physics. This is an area which is covered in our Master Practitioner training and it's much more interesting then it sounds! Once you delve into some of this stuff, you feel as if you'll never view the world in the same way again!!Quantum PhysicsQuantum physics is the study of the tiniest bits of stuff in our universe, the mi... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:10 PST The Truth About The Writing Life When you are a writer, you cannot separate your writing from your life. Writers cannot not write, so writing for you is like breathing. It is so natural you don't even think about it. I think it's a shame that so many writers treat their writing as anything from "special time" to the last thing on their to-do list. Writing is life. And so the principles of life, or the truth about life, are also the principles of, or the truth about, the writing life.I recently re-read a ... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:59:35 PST Write About Something That Will Change Your Life! It's been said that you should "write about what you know". It's also been said that doing that condemns you to a life of boredom as you'll never grow beyond your current limitations.Not very helpful, is it?It's also been said that you should write about what you're passionate about, interested in or otherwise taken by, as you'll spend so much time researching it, writing it and rewriting it, that it had better light your fire, or it will drive you insane. And then ag... Sun, 24 May 2009 12:00:32 PST Add Video To Your Website Or Blog To Increase Its Value Over the years we've heard a lot about how to give your web site more value. At first everyone said to put lots of interesting information on your site and you would see a stampede of visitors come your way.Then we were told to dress our sites and blogs up with logos, graphics, and photos. That helped to bring traffic, too.Finally we were told to give your sites all the right keywords to bring in the utmost in search engine traffic. By now, that technique has been use... Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:37 PST How To Use Autoresponder As A List-Building And Prospecting Tool One of the great features that you can have from an autoresponder is automatic response to anyone who requests more information about your business. You'll, then, take advantage of this feature to help automate your list-building and prospecting process (sometimes up to the sign up process), if you do it correctly.What you need to do is prepare 5 to 7 messages about your business and upload them into your autoresponder system. Set these messages to be delivered 2 to 3... Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:48 PST How to become a successful affiliate? There is three component in your way to win big paychecks at the end of the month:1/you must have a landing page2/you must capture the name and email addresses of your prospects3/ you must follow up by the mean of your auto responder to sell to these prospect other products again and again. Sun, 24 May 2009 01:19:22 PST Make Your Articles Work Harder For You You probably already know how effective article marketing can be to drive traffic to your site and to improve your search engine rankings. You spend some time each month or even each week to write and submit articles. Now you can make them work even harder for you by reusing them. Here are a few ideas to get you started. Start out by combining several related articles into a free report. You can make this report available to your visitors and invite them to pass it on to ... Sun, 24 May 2009 01:46:33 PST