The Importance Of Golf Etiquette (Plus 10 Associated Articles) There are many rules to the game of golf that are not enforced by penalties. These rules are that of etiquette and respect for other golfers. They are mainly in place for safety and fairness. The game is only part decision and skill. The key to having the best golf experience begins with the correct etiquette. There is nothing that ruins a game of golf like being embarrassed by not knowing the rules. There are some simple rules to follow that will ensure you look professional... Sun, 08 Aug 2010 07:49:58 PST en-us The Importance Of Golf Etiquette Sun, 08 Aug 2010 07:49:58 PST AOL Fan Club We have noted over the years that AOL has been using nasty tactics like forcing downloads to users with slow machines on start up (1990's and beyond) without asking the user before engaging the download. This particularly ugly technique would lock up a user's computer many minutes or even lock up the computer before the user could spend a minute checking email. It is too late for AOL to change its ways, so let's just document its bad behavior and hope this juggernaut will mend its ways! Thu, 12 Nov 2009 03:41:00 PST 7 Rules for a Virus Free Computer For non-techies, it's tough to know what not to do when trying to keep your computer Virus Free. I remember in 1998 when I installed an update from Symantec to prevent just one specific virus from infiltrating my computer and it actually installed the virus on my computer. I had some low level analysis software running and I watched as the virus protection actually put the virus on my computer. Thu, 12 Mar 2009 10:20:14 PST Finding a Referral Marketing Solution! We discovered the need for more effective marketing and created an entire field called Master Mind Marketing. We saw the need a huge need for this as people exit their current lines of work and move toward starting new businesses. Also, many people have a large list of contacts and are looking to fine-tune it into something that works for them - the need is to find a way to hone the list into the few people that are really interested in working with you. Tue, 03 Apr 2012 05:46:11 PST Writing an Article - Basic Rules of Grammar Some would-be writers think they can dash off an article without bothering to learn the basic rules of grammar. But just as any craftsperson spends time honing his skills to make the perfect piece of craft, so must a writer work hard to present an article that will be a pleasure to read and not shame him for its sloppy grammar and punctuation. Sun, 24 May 2009 09:54:53 PST A Geek Groundswell One day when I had nothing to do (well, actually, I had a lot to do, but I didn't want to do any of it), I decided to play the Google game. This is the one where you input your own name or something else into the field in quotes to see how many search results you get. Because my most recent book, Queen Geeks in Love, was coming out soon, I decided to search the term "geek." What I found astounded me.I got more nearly 70 million hits from the word "geek."That's million... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:04 PST Eleven Questions For Laura Preble, Author Ms. Preble is an award-winning teacher, a jazz singer and pianist, and the author of The Queen Geek Social Club and its just-published sequel Queen Geeks In Love (both available from Penguin Books). A self-admitted geek, Laura is a science fiction fan and currently lives in the San Diego area with her husband, jazz saxophonist Chris Klich and her sons Austin and Noel.T.E. Pouncey: I thoroughly enjoyed your novel. Are any of the elements in The Queen Geek Social Club autob... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:06 PST Learn How to Use Commas Properly This article features punctuation rules of comma usage, which are indispensable in the process of writing. Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:09 PST Writing Exercise 4: A Space Alien Might Make A Good Priest As we develop our characters, we often fall into the habit of placing them in a single type of role and plot. For example, for years one of my characters was stuck on a California horse ranch. Having him on the ranch felt comfortable, familiar. He became boring. Now my character is a modern day pirate turned Catholic priest with an attitude you would not expect from a priest. He is unpredictable, sometimes shocking, and enjoys every second of it. I have discovered thi... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:18 PST Speakers Clubs in the UK Developing effective communication skills is not an easy task, especially if your company does not sponsor the training. However, there is a voluntary organisation called the Association of Speakers Clubs who can help you locally. Just type Association of Speakers Clubs into a search engine and locate your nearest club. You'll find them friendly, helpful and supportive of your desire to improve. Sun, 24 May 2009 12:13:13 PST MySpace + CitySearch = neEvent One big mistake many businesses starting out make is following there business plan like a road map. A business plan is a guide to keep you focused and busy constantly building and adding on to your final product. Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:51 PST