Cloud CRM University - About Us (Plus 10 Associated Articles) The Cloud CRM University is a full service marketing agency that is exclusively focused on Demand Generation Solutions. The firm provides email marketing campaigns, CRM Systems and WebCast Event Management Solutions to small and mid-sized companies. Wed, 12 Mar 2014 08:56:56 PST en-us Cloud CRM University - About Us Wed, 12 Mar 2014 08:56:56 PST Why Great Website Makeovers Begin With Copywriting Can you give me some feedback on my website? a life coach asked his e-zine subscribers. I just revised my site - -finally!Naturally, I couldn't resist clicking over to see what he had done. I knew he was a thoughtful coach with a reputation for high integrity. His new site cried out for a re-makeover. He had paid a designer to get drop-down menus and a bit of flash. As a result, he admitted, I have no budget to pay a copywriter.Ouch... Sat, 20 Mar 2010 04:25:05 PST 14 Tips For Writing An Effective Online Survey Developing a useful, well-written online survey that extracts the information you need from your users can be a challenge. In this article, I will review 14 tips for creating a useful online survey.1) Write a brief, concise survey. Start with a mental framework that focuses on only what is essential to know. Ask questions only if the answers will give you the data you need and can use. If a question is not important enough to include in your report on the survey’s finding... Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:36 PST Innovative Solutions for Internet Branding Since the advent of the Internet, computers have changed the way people work, play and communicate. Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:48 PST Online Business And The Solution Driven Mindset I can't begin to relate how rewarding it is to have a solution driven mindset. This is the manner of thinking that looks at a difficulty and tries to find a solution, as opposed to excuses or avoidance. Online business is a business like any other, and problems occasionally arise. You might also fail to reach your goals once in a while, and both of these are instances where a solution driven mindset works so very well.Some of you may know it better as "no excuses", but I ... Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:51 PST How Webcasts can improve your marketing reach and reduce your costs Use the power of Webcasts and Webinars to reach your prospects and customers easier and with less cost. Sun, 24 May 2009 02:08:01 PST Make Sure You Over-Deliver Make Sure You Over-Deliver expands the phrase that Tom Peters coined in 1998 for conventional businesses to ebusinesses. The article presents simple easy concepts to develop for your own business. Sun, 24 May 2009 02:08:03 PST Website Marketing: Attract More Clients From A Wake-Em-Up Special Offer You’re a service business, such as a coach, accountant, consultant, speech coach, office organizer or virtual assistant.A prospective client lands on your website. “Nice site,” she says, nodding approvingly. “Great logo.”So she looks for a Call to Action: "Click here and get a Free Report."And you offer one. 101 things a coach [accountant, consultant, speech coach, office organizer or virtual assistant] can do for you.Yawn.At that point, your prospect deci... Sun, 24 May 2009 02:08:08 PST Domain Names: Still Paying Too Much? Are you still paying through the nose for your new domains? If so, you can shave your costs by selecting some other quality registries who can do the same job for you, but for less. Sat, 20 Jun 2009 05:50:33 PST E-commerce Solutions... When you have a small home-based business, and are basically just starting there are many ways to make a large leap ahead. Sat, 20 Jun 2009 05:50:35 PST E-Commerce Solutions and Multimedia presentations Looking at the buildup nearby the internet, it makes us sense that you almost certainly have already seen or dealt with E-commerce. But for the sake of those of us who haven't, we'll describe E-commerce. Sat, 20 Jun 2009 05:50:35 PST