Press Release System for Free Advertising (Plus 10 Associated Articles) Get your small business featured in big time publications Sat, 25 Sep 2010 09:28:33 PST en-us Press Release System for Free Advertising Sat, 25 Sep 2010 09:28:33 PST Eleven ways to treat your distance lover Love does not see any distance. The history tells, love always gets stronger, while two lovers live at distance. Ancient Indian poet Kalidas wrote poetry called meghdut on the same line thousand years ago. In his poetry the Yaksha Kumar (Man) send a love message to his dearest one by the way of moving clouds. Sat, 23 May 2009 04:08:01 PST Overcoming Writer's Block Do you suffer from writer's block? Is there a pending project you are putting off because you lack the inspiration to even get it started? You certainly are not alone. At various times you will go through times of energetic writing as well as lengthy dry spells. Here are some tips you may want to consider to help you keep those slow times to a minimum. Sun, 24 May 2009 09:54:51 PST The indispensable qualities of professional copywriter Provides an insight into the process of choosing professional copywriter and the qualities that the copywriter must possess. Sun, 24 May 2009 10:52:35 PST Press Release: Why SEO Experts Should Not Use Press Releases Learn why your SEO company should not pay hundreds of dollars to PR companies. Sun, 24 May 2009 11:20:18 PST Top 10 Tips For Writing A Good Press Release Writing a press release doesn't need to be difficult. Here are 10 tips for writing a successful press release.1 - You are writing for journalistsPress releases aren't for customers or consumers they are for reporters, journalists who will use them as a starting point for a larger story or feature. Write your story as you would like to have it told. Press releases written as sales pieces will be completely ignored. The points you make in your press release and the order ... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:20:19 PST How to Write Your Op-Ed Piece Op-ed articles, also known as opinion/editorial articles, are a great way for aspiring writers to publicize their work and get an amazing amount of publicity for free. You can write an op-ed piece and get it publicized provided you follow these simple rules. Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:09 PST Writing For Magazines If you want to make it as a professional writer, you will eventually need to be branch out into the world of magazines. While many new writers are intimidated by the major magazines and editors, it is important to realize that they are not so different from any other publication. Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:18 PST Incredible power of the press release service Examines essential principles of the writing and composition of the press releases and provides an insight into the main steps of this process. Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:48 PST How To Boost Your Affiliate Sales With Press Releases The best way to boost your affiliate sales is to create something original and let people know about it--break out of the "me, too" crowd and do something different.There is a common misconception among affiliates that they are "stuck" with the marketing materials the product owners provide, and unable to do anything of their own.This is, by and large, not true. If you're not sure, ask. Most affiliate managers will okay outside materials if they can see them first.... Sun, 24 May 2009 01:19:22 PST What the difference one article can make Article and press releases are ones of the most important marketing tools. Publication of articles and press releases helps to increase traffic on your site, get high rankings for it, attract more visitors and consequently increase your levels of sales. Sun, 24 May 2009 01:46:34 PST