Online tools make translation (Chinese/English) easier (Plus 10 Associated Articles) A list of online which may help to do translations, especially in Chinese (traditional and simplified) and English. Sun, 24 May 2009 11:20:18 PST en-us Online tools make translation (Chinese/English) easier Sun, 24 May 2009 11:20:18 PST Reading & Writing English: Words Ending In D The different sounds that the letter"d" takes at the end of a verb in the past tenseAn extract from the book: Word Power by the author of this article. The English language indicates that the action of the verb is in the past by having some form of the "d" or "t" sound end the word. We say some kind of "d" or "t" sound although the word is almost always written with a "d".Many people who learn English are so confused by the irregular forms of the verbs that they ... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:20:18 PST Confessions Of An Erotic Romance Writer: Getting My Groove Few people understand the importance of a ROUTINE when making a, I meant a a writer. Where do you work? How do you work? When do you work? These are all questions a selling writer fields with every interview.Here is the usual answer: I work wherever I am, as diligently as possible, as often as possible. This is my job and I must treat it as such or I will end up eating Oreos while watching Gilmore Girls.Here is the real answer: Whenever I ca... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:05 PST How Much Do You Know About China? - Take a Test For international relationships, mainly in China, it’s hard enough to have a relationship even when you share the same language and customs. Learning other cultures and understanding their customs is vital in international business relationships. What it really comes down to is the Universal Code of Conduct – character and integrity. Thu, 18 Feb 2010 09:25:38 PST Answers - How Much Do You Know About China? Take a Test There are 24 correct answers. If you get all 24 correct you are an expert on China. If you get at least 12 right you probably won’t get into too much trouble in China. If you get less than 6 right you are a dufus when it comes to China. Don’t go until you do a whole lot more studying or you will make all kinds of social graces mistakes and get thrown into a dungeon with rest of the foreign dufuses. Wed, 24 Feb 2010 09:01:51 PST Watching Sports Live On Your Pc Including English Premier League The world game football known, as soccer in America and football in England is a game that has so many emotions involved be it as a spectator or a player. It is comparable to baseball in the US, or hockey in Canada when it comes to the following of the game in Europe and South America. The popularity of the sport is growing in America. With the arrival of David Beckham playing for LA GALAXY the exposure of soccer in America can only be good for the country and the sport itsel... Sun, 08 Aug 2010 07:50:08 PST What Is Traditional Chinese Medicine? Traditional Chinese medicine is gaining popularity in the U.S., as more and more people are learning the benefits of acupuncture, acupressure, deep massage, Qigong, and the herbal medicines. Westerners are the new kids on the block when it comes to receiving these treatments, as over a quarter of the population of the world practices TCM, also known as Oriental medicine.The National Institute of Health and the World Health Organization believe TCM to be a viable alternati... Sat, 14 Aug 2010 11:06:10 PST The Art of Japanese Bonsai The Japanese refined and developed Bonsai techniques and evolved the art form it is today. For the Japanese, bonsai represents a fusion of strong ancient beliefs with the Eastern philosophies of the harmony between man, the soul and nature. Mon, 27 Sep 2010 05:22:10 PST English As A Second Language The English language is the most commonly spoken language on Earth, either by native speakers or by people who have learned it in addition to their first language. More and more people everyday have the desire to learn English as a second language. The type of people who wish to learn it run the gamut from children in other countries who are required to learn English as part of their school curriculum, business professionals that wish to be able to communicate with their Engl... Mon, 18 Oct 2010 10:31:37 PST Chinese Language - The Most Written, Not Most Spoken Language I studied a little Chinese and the things that stuck with me were that the language is not sexed, like English is not sexed, ...and that although it may be the most written language in the world, there are so many dialects, it may never be the most spoken language in the world. Fri, 17 Sep 2010 01:55:24 PST Break Out Of The Teaching Rut And Teach English In Hong Kong Speaking English is a major priority for the people of Hong Kong. The business world is always moving quickly, and global communication is vitally important. In order to compete effectively, Hong Kong emphasizes English education for everyone from childhood on up.Combine those factors with the fact that there's currently a shortage of native English speaking teachers in the country, and it seems Hong Kong might be the ideal location if you're considering teaching abroad.... Mon, 18 Oct 2010 12:03:22 PST