MARTIAL ARTS - 5 Ways Too Build Your Self-Confidence (Plus 10 Associated Articles)
If you appreciate a strong, healthy self confidence that carries you through overwhelming times and drives you to achieving your most far reaching goals, martial arts is for you.A person’s self-confidence is like a muscle, it needs to be exercised in order to grow and develop. In the 20 plus years that I’ve been teaching Martial Arts in our community we have developed a 5 step approach to building self-confidence.Mon, 18 Oct 2010 10:50:24 PSTen-usMARTIAL ARTS - 5 Ways Too Build Your Self-Confidence, 18 Oct 2010 10:50:24 PSTAre You Too Busy for Friendship? Many of us today are so busy that the only social life we still have time for is sending emails to our friends. Relationships take time to develop, and when we let ourselves stay too busy with work our spirit suffers. Make time for friends in your life., 23 May 2009 04:07:58 PSTA Little Patience Goes a Long Way We all know that relationships can be difficult. One of the best methods we have for making every relationship less stressful and more enjoyable is to show a little patience., 23 May 2009 04:07:59 PSTFriendship- Do You Value? Friendship is a gift of God. Some of us are blessed with good friends. But as it happens, these friendships are taken for granted in some cases and not valued., 23 May 2009 04:08:02 PSTFriendship Test- Do Friends Love Talking To You? You must be having a large group of friends. You also deal with many people in your job or business. You interact with people at every stage of your life., 23 May 2009 04:08:03 PSTSnap Out Of Your Anger and Create Joy In Your Relationships! We are driven to find joy, happiness and fulfillment within our relationships. Dr. Adrianne Ahern’s SNAP Out of It NOW! Method offers a step-by-step guide to transforming stress, anxiety, self-doubt, anger, and other negative feelings into something completely positive. Snap Out of It Now! Create joy and happiness in your relationships!, 23 May 2009 04:08:15 PSTWhy Is Love Important? So often we spend most of our time taking care of our physical needs. We make sure our bodies are fed, cleaned, clothed, exercised and rested. We also make sure intellectual stimulation and entertainment is a priority. Yet we also overlook the most important need -- love.Of course, as a society, love is not overlooked. Popular media constantly places great emphasis on what we need to do and how we should look to attract "love". But being loved is not as powerful an emotio..., 23 May 2009 04:08:20 PSTPass It On - The Three Golden Gates Someone once told me that if you found something good to say that you should never be afraid to repeat it. Men will quote Bible long after I’m gone and the words of people like Abraham Lincoln or George Washington will be repeated countless times but no one will say when its time to quit repeating their sayings. Such words are never put to rest they are only passed on to others, they belong to humanity they are legacy and wisdom and will never cease to salt the earth. Here are some of ..., 24 May 2009 08:40:32 PSTHow to Plan the Perfect Spring Break Family Vacation Choosing where to go on a family vacation can be difficult. Do you go someplace where you will have fun or a place for the kids? Here is an idea that will solve your problem., 24 May 2009 11:20:16 PSTLas Vacaciones son la Mejor Solución Para Relajarte Si estas estancado en medio de una crisis con tu pareja, en el trabajo, en la familia o cualquiera sea tu conflicto tomar unas vacaciones siempre ayudara para relajarse y mirar los problemas de lejos para así solucionarlos., 24 May 2009 11:20:17 PSTSpike Lee: Top Films and Unforgettable Controversies The 20 year anniversary of Spike Lee's film debut and the release of his new documentary is a great opportunity to review some of his most notable career moments., 24 May 2009 11:20:18 PST