Make Money With Writing Books on Spirituality and Self Help: 10 Great Reasons To Become An Author Today (Plus 10 Associated Articles) As a publicist for New York Times Best Selling Authors, like Deepak Chopra, I know the benefits of becoming an author. You've dreamt of becoming an author along with thinking of title ideas. You told your friends and loved ones you wanted to write a book. All you need to do now is make it happen. Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:02 PST en-us Make Money With Writing Books on Spirituality and Self Help: 10 Great Reasons To Become An Author Today Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:02 PST Article Marketing 101: The Perfect Author Resource Box If you want to really make your article "SELL" then you've got to craft the perfect RESOURCE BOX. This is the "author bio" that is below your article body and it's also known as your "SIG" (short for SIGnature). Mon, 30 Nov 2009 02:11:28 PST How To Guarantee Your Article Gets Published There are literally thousands of article submission sites on the net today. Merely submitting your article to article directories does not guarantee that it will be accepted. Here are a few tips that will guarantee your article gets accepted at more sites. Sun, 24 May 2009 09:54:51 PST Locating A High Quality Author Finding an author is one thing, finding one who meets your stringent requirements is another thing. Matt shares six tips to help you find the author who is a fit for your upcoming project. Sun, 24 May 2009 09:54:51 PST THE SYNOPSIS...made easy! You have completed your mss, you have even written a cover letter to enclose with your mss, but still, that is not enough! You need a synopsis of your work to add to them as well.What is a synopsis? Sun, 24 May 2009 09:54:52 PST Why You Need a 3-Tiered Strategy For Article Submission It is easy to simply go with the big dogs and forget the rest, but that is a big mistake. You really need to have a 3-tiered article submission strategy. Select a couple of the big dogs, but also add some medium-sized directories and some smaller, newer directories to your list for regular submission as well. There are several reasons why this strategy can be much more effective in the long run than targeting the large directories alone. Sun, 24 May 2009 09:54:52 PST Writing A Short Article Can Be As Easy As 1-2-3 Writing a short article can be even more challenging because you need to stay focused and organized, however writing a short article really can be very easy if you work with a simple structure. In fact it only involves three steps Sun, 24 May 2009 09:54:53 PST 10 New Tips For Successfully Promoting Your Book On Talk Radio For nearly two decades, we’ve been telling you about the value of talk radio as a means for promoting your book to the masses. As one of the country’s top providers of radio shows around the country, we schedule anywhere from 50 to 100 interviews week in and week out. As a result of our close working relationship with the media, we know what works and what doesn’t. Because we want you to succeed with talk radio, here are ten new “inside” tips to help you become the ... Sun, 24 May 2009 10:36:29 PST Consider Self Publishing in Ebook Format learn how to self publish your book online in ebook format. Sun, 24 May 2009 10:37:08 PST How Much Money Can You Make Selling Ebooks? Learn how much money you can make selling ebooks online. Sun, 24 May 2009 10:37:08 PST Make Extra Money Marketing Your Online Auctions One of the biggest problems with a retail website, is you end up becoming the seller, shipper and buyer all at once. When you are offering products for sale on the internet you are opening the door to an international market and you will need to have enough inventories. Sun, 24 May 2009 10:37:09 PST