Hypnosis Guide (Plus 10 Associated Articles) http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/13923 You can use the hypnosis guide to learn how to use self hypnosis effectively to attain your goals. The self hypnosis guide will help you to relax your subconscious mind. Once you have got relaxed mind status then you can control your mind by giving positive suggestions. Self hypnosis will make you clear in analyzing your expectations. After setting clear goals you can use your energy to attain goals. Only those who have a clear mind set up can succeed in self hypnosis and ach... Mon, 18 Oct 2010 11:18:23 PST en-us Hypnosis Guide http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/13923 http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/13923 Mon, 18 Oct 2010 11:18:23 PST Benefits Of E-books The internet has brought us many great things including streaming music, online shopping, electronic bill pay and many more beneficial applications. One thing that I feel is often overlooked but very valuable is ebooks. Especially ebooks in the non fiction/self improvement subject areas.Just as there are many great musicians that will never get signed - there are thousands of great authors who will never get the big book deal. Thanks to the internet and ebooks – we can ta... http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/4551 http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/4551 Sat, 20 Jun 2009 05:50:27 PST Hypnosis Secrets Some people believe that hypnosis is generally based on the secret of the law of attraction. In fact, many experts have found that your body reacts to your mind’s wish. In short, if you want to achieve any thing and if you keep your goal always in your mind then you will surely notice that your ambition leads you to travel in correct direction. Hence, psychologists say that the thoughts are your energy.You see, when you think about something seriously, then it means that ... http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/8276 http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/8276 Fri, 06 Aug 2010 12:12:10 PST Food, Anxiety and Depression In our current society, there are many factors that can cause or contribute to anxiety and depression. Certainly money and work problems, relationship and family issues, as well as illness and loss of loved ones are major contributors to anxiety and depression. Also, how we feel about ourselves and treat ourselves contribute greatly to how we feel. http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/9753 http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/9753 Sat, 07 Aug 2010 12:08:23 PST How Hypnosis Can Help You Quit Smoking The negative impact of smoking on health has been well documented for decades, and there is becoming an ever increasing shift towards kicking the habit for good. Sadly, nicotine is more addictive than crack cocaine, and this is evident in the hundreds of thousands, if not millions worldwide who try and fail to give up every single year. One proven successful treatment in the fight against the tobacco habit has been hypnosis. With a proven track record, hypnosis is becoming... http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/9765 http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/9765 Sat, 07 Aug 2010 12:08:24 PST Hypnosis For Stopping Smoking – Kick The Habit, Get A Life! I have often been asked if hypnosis for stopping smoking is indeed an effective means to kick the butt, and my reply has always been affirmative. Hypnosis, recent research has proven, affects smokers very noticeably. I recently read an article on the website newscientist.com, which talks about a research conducted by two researchers from the University of Iowa; a cross section of over 72,000 people across the globe who were in the process of quitting smoking. The results show... http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/9999 http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/9999 Sat, 07 Aug 2010 12:43:18 PST Like Your Garden Your Mind Can Grow Weeds Too! How many of you have a garden in your backyard where you grow your favorite vegetables. You plant them from seeds or seedlings and give them everything they need in order to grow and thrive. You water, fertilize and provide adequate sun. After several months they grow to be big and strong. You run out to pick them daily as they ripen and think to your self. “ I grew these and they taste so good.” What happens though if you plant your vegetables and forget about them? WEED... http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/10019 http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/10019 Sat, 07 Aug 2010 12:43:20 PST Your Worst Habits Just Need To Be Reprogrammed! You have the power to train your mind to choose what you think, instead of allowing random thoughts to hold you hostage. Your goal is to become inner-directed and focused, so that you decide what you want to think, rather than have your thoughts and emotions determined by the world around you. The untrained mind has more emotional ups and downs because it is reacting to random thoughts. Focus on what you want with joy and enthusiasm.Remember, just like the Earth, your bra... http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/10107 http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/10107 Sat, 07 Aug 2010 12:43:29 PST Where Did My Old World Go? You’ve just bought a new car. It’s the latest model; it has the whiz-bang features that will definitely single you out from the merely mortal driving rank and file. You know you paid a bit (maybe a lot) too much, but with this car you make a unique and powerful statement to all others on the road. This car is as different from the herd as you are! Yet, as you drive this rare sparkling beauty home from the lot you suddenly notice the roadways dotted with several other nearly i... http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/10334 http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/10334 Sun, 08 Aug 2010 06:40:10 PST 6 Tips For Quitting Smoking If you are currently a smoker, quitting the habit could be one of the most important things you will ever do in the next part of your life. In fact, if you quit now, you will most likely be adding seven years to your life.While many people try to quit and fail, it is not an impossible task. Thousands of people, just like you, have decided to quit and have succeeded. You too can be among the successful former-smokers. Here are six tips that will help you to quit smoking on... http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/10337 http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/10337 Sun, 08 Aug 2010 06:51:58 PST Even Famous People Use Hypnosis Hypnosis is one of the mighty secrets used by star athletes and other famous people. To give you some ideas, Tiger Woods, one of the greatest pro golfers of all times uses hypnosis regularly. He not only uses it to enhance his performance but it keeps him focused and directed on and off of the golf course. Tiger is very spiritual and wholeheartedly believes in the power of hypnosis. Watch Tiger Woods the next time that he is golfing on TV. Pay close attention to what he does ... http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/10698 http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/10698 Sun, 08 Aug 2010 07:48:54 PST