Her Cries for help are Real!! (Plus 10 Associated Articles) http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/14071 Throughout my dealings with women from all over the world, I have met so many that are in a prison of pain and frustration. Through my website, they search desperately for a way out of this prison. They want so desperately to be heard. Mon, 18 Oct 2010 11:39:15 PST en-us Her Cries for help are Real!! http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/14071 http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/14071 Mon, 18 Oct 2010 11:39:15 PST Are you struggling to raise capital and launch your business? Would you like to know where the investors are? If you are having trouble raising capital, you either are not in the right space or your don't understand The Language of Capital. When you know where to find the investors (not venture capital people who want 60-70% of your business) and you know the language of capital, you can raise all the capital you need. http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/15 http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/15 Sun, 01 Apr 2012 02:55:06 PST Writing Articles to Establish Yourself as an Expert in Your Industry Establishing yourself as an expert in your industry is the tried and true way to build your business. Net-Teams offers every community member the ability, instruction and encouragement to become an author. http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/24 http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/24 Sat, 12 Dec 2009 07:06:35 PST Page County Landfill Scandal The Page County, Virginia landfill scandal is a powerful example of how government touches our lives – with bribes, nepotism, Mafioso connections, abuse of the poor and the uninformed citizen, and just plain jackbooted ugliness. This demonstrates how ordinary citizens and taxpayers are abused by a notion that governments – even local governments – are sovereign, all-powerful and can join with criminals to rape the public, without the slightest fear of punishment. http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/120 http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/120 Tue, 01 Jul 2008 04:58:37 PST Sumo Wrestling History - Part 1 Sumo is a form of wrestling which goes back to the earliest historical records in Japanese history. http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/169 http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/169 Sun, 06 Jul 2008 05:38:19 PST Business Technology Tools - What Others Have Done! Can You Do the Same? Some of the most successful businesses in the past few years have done so because of innovative technology they have purchased available in their industry. What does it take to make your business succeed? What is new out there in business technology that may help save your time or organize your sales force into a leaner, meaner machine?! http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/194 http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/194 Mon, 17 May 2010 03:52:51 PST Affiliate Marketing - One of the Most Abused Technologies on the Web! There are literally 10's of thousands of affiliate programs out there, but how do you find ones that really pay? With over four months of review, auditing, sign ups and purchase through affiliate programs, we came up with 4 things to look for in Affiliate programs. http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/227 http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/227 Mon, 20 May 2013 02:30:08 PST Where Do Illnesses Come From? A big contributor to the health care crisis we face is the concern of people who worry about coming down with a devastating illness, and the feared high costs associated with major medical problems. The logical way to look at this is to understand that any illness is either "self induced" or "an act of God". http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/268 http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/268 Mon, 06 Apr 2009 08:57:22 PST GLI Clients This is a partial listing of the clients Grace has worked with over the years. http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/274 http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/274 Wed, 12 May 2010 11:37:06 PST Anything For Her Looking for that perfect gift for the lady in your life? If you are out of ideas and can't think of anything to buy, this article will help you find something just for her.Fortunately, women have the reputation of being easier to shop for than men. Jewelry is always welcome. You can find unique presents at an antique shop, and vintage jewelry is extremely fashionable. Consider buying her an Italian charm bracelet, the newest fad in jewelry. Italian charm bracelets do not ... http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/299 http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/299 Sat, 23 May 2009 04:07:58 PST Are You a Jealous Lover? Nothing can ruin a relationship or marriage faster than jealously. Jealousy creates anxiety, anger, loneliness, hate, fear. No one thinks clearly when jealous.Having a relationship with a jealous person is tough. The jealous person acts untrusting or unworthy. Jealousy makes the person unattractive, even repulsive.No one wants a jealous mate and no one likes being jealous. Here are some ways to get over your jealousy....... http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/301 http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/301 Sun, 24 May 2009 04:52:14 PST