Your Retirement Hopes: Filled With Holes? (Plus 10 Associated Articles) If you're like many Americans, you may expect to enjoy a comfortable retirement, but you probably haven't taken the actions needed to turn those hopes into reality. Mon, 18 Oct 2010 11:48:25 PST en-us Your Retirement Hopes: Filled With Holes? Mon, 18 Oct 2010 11:48:25 PST Health Care is not Health Insurance It seems that whenever we hear a discussion of "health care" it is in the context of forty million people without health care and the implication is that "health care" equals "health insurance". There will be many articles to come discussing health insurance, but first, let's clarify what health care is because IT IS NOT HEALTH INSURANCE. Try as I might I cannot equate health care with health insurance and I have begun to realize that "health care" really means something different to everyone. Mon, 06 Apr 2009 08:54:53 PST Internet based business A lot of people believe the Internet is a place to get rich quick with no effort or sweat needed. You just publish a web site and poof you have a home business. Please do not hold your breath waiting on results from an Internet business started with that thought process. Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:48 PST The Real Scoop on Annuities - Part Two Unfortunately, the stock market never has been able to generate guaranteed levels of income, and sometimes fails to move higher just because we think it should. Serious problems occur when mutual funds are packaged with annuity contracts and the critical differences between them are either overlooked or undisclosed, perhaps innocently, perhaps not. Sat, 20 May 2017 09:12:30 PST Only YOU Can Prevent Obama Care If President Obama owned the New World Order Health Insurance Company, he would not be willing to insure an applicant with brain cancer nor would he be willing to pay an unlimited lifetime benefit to all insureds --- not without a premium that reflects the risks to his personal bank account. Thu, 07 Jun 2012 09:43:32 PST The Real Scoop on Annuities - Part One (March, 2008) Today, it's difficult to distinguish one financial institution from another as they compete for the ever-growing pool of investment dollars. Insurance companies, now publicly owned, have become am integral part of an industry that seems uninterested in protecting anything other than their obscenely paid leaders. Sat, 07 Nov 2009 06:00:47 PST Investment Advisors 101... Ask These Questions Investment Advisors (IAs) come in all different intellectual, professional, and alphabetical varieties. They range in educational qualifications from High School dropout to PhD, and can be professional Accountants, Insurance Salesmen, Stock Brokers, Investment Managers, Dentists, Lawyers, TV personalities, and Gourmet Chefs. Fri, 20 Nov 2009 03:07:01 PST Defining Health Care Before anyone can understand the health care debate, one must first know what health care really is. There is no easy solution because too many people are looking for anything free from the government. The bold truth is that government has brain washed most people into think health care is the same as health care insurance. When we get government (politicians) out of health care the solutions will be incredibly simple. Tue, 20 Jul 2010 12:04:47 PST Car Insurance. Optional Legal Expense Cover Is Well Worth The Extra. Peter, our freelance journalists doesn't take kindly to people driving into his beloved car. No, he doesn't use his fourteen stone of gym-honed muscle to exact retribution nor is he into road rage. Of course he's got his car comprehensively insured but he's also covered another way. He's got legal insurance. He included in his car insurance as an optional extra. This extra cover allows him to claim for costs and losses excluded covered from normal comprehensive and third part... Fri, 06 Aug 2010 09:07:56 PST Convert Term Policy Before It Expires Keeping an inexpensive term life insurance policy for too long can cost unprepared families lots of money in the long run. Fri, 06 Aug 2010 10:11:58 PST Term Life Insurance For Newlyweds These days getting married brings about the joining of couples of many different circumstances. Of course there is the ever-traditional young couple fresh out of college who might have no other financial obligations other than student loans, rent and their vehicles. There are usually no children involved and life is just full of possibilities and opportunities that will be built together. Assets as well as bills will be accumulated as a couple.On the other hand, there are... Fri, 06 Aug 2010 10:12:11 PST