Top Reasons To Try Martial Arts (Plus 10 Associated Articles) Just about everyone knows about the popular martial arts, such as Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Kung Fu and Tai Chi...some people have even thought about trying out a class. Bt have you ever actually done it? Do you need a reason?Just about everyone has thought about taking up a martial art at some point in time. Maybe as another way to stay in shape. Possibly as a means to protect yourself from the school bully. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of reasons why people choose t... Mon, 18 Oct 2010 12:39:31 PST en-us Top Reasons To Try Martial Arts Mon, 18 Oct 2010 12:39:31 PST Friendship and reunion It's always fun to have friends around. Reunite with friends to enjoy life better. Sat, 23 May 2009 04:08:02 PST Avoiding Seminar Dogs: How To Pick The Right Session To Attend My email is overflowing with seminar information about programs at upcoming trade shows. I'm like every one else whose time is at a premium. How can I maximize my time when I am at the show? How can I stay informed with the latest innovations? Sun, 24 May 2009 11:16:40 PST Learn How To Write A Law School Essay Though most schools weight the numbers a little more; your LSAT score and GPA have a big impact, law school essays are definitely taken into account. Moreover, your law school essay will make or break your application if you're a borderline applicant, and it can even make up for a weak showing in the numbers department.If you're applying to law school, your law school essay, along with your LSAT score and your undergraduate GPA, is going to be the most important factor in... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:20:17 PST Write to Remember – Seven Keys to Better Note taking It’s a line most of us don’t cross – we either are note takers or we aren’t. While this article may not make the die-hard non-note takers convert, it will give them some tools to try. And even the most avid note takers will get some new ideas to add to their approach. Sun, 24 May 2009 11:22:19 PST Book Review Of Stuart Nachbar's Book About Education And Politics Stuart Nachbar has created a curious novel in The Sex Ed Chronicles. Using a backdrop of 1980 New Jersey, we are introduced to the murky world of school politics. He has selected the contentious subject of compulsory Sex Education, however the subject could equally have been Religion or Evolution. All are subjects that have strong backers and equally strong detractors.Schools and School Boards may not be the media favorites that the House or Senate may be. But make no mis... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:04 PST People Building Newsletter No.2 People Building is an NLP and Hypnotherapy Training company.This month we have focused on the mind-boggling but fascinating world of quantum physics. This is an area which is covered in our Master Practitioner training and it's much more interesting then it sounds! Once you delve into some of this stuff, you feel as if you'll never view the world in the same way again!!Quantum PhysicsQuantum physics is the study of the tiniest bits of stuff in our universe, the mi... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:10 PST Write About Something That Will Change Your Life! It's been said that you should "write about what you know". It's also been said that doing that condemns you to a life of boredom as you'll never grow beyond your current limitations.Not very helpful, is it?It's also been said that you should write about what you're passionate about, interested in or otherwise taken by, as you'll spend so much time researching it, writing it and rewriting it, that it had better light your fire, or it will drive you insane. And then ag... Sun, 24 May 2009 12:00:32 PST How To Make Money Without Leaving The House Becoming an affiliate is one of the most popular career moves of the decade. People are learning to use the internet as their tool by making money off of websites, a job that doesn’t even require leaving the house.So what exactly is an affiliate? Basically, an affiliate owns a website and refers visitors to other websites, called “merchants.” When these visitors make purchases, the other websites pay the affiliate a commission, which is determined by internet tracking dev... Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:47 PST My Lifew as an Affilate Have you met your neighbors? It's much easier when you work at home and have time to walk around the neighborhood. Sun, 24 May 2009 01:19:24 PST Why Are Affiliate Sales Recommended For Newbies? Why Are Affiliate Sales Recommended For Newbies?Firstly, don’t think that affiliate sales are only suitable for beginners! It is one of the most popular and profitable marketing techniques that is used by nearly all the major internet marketers. Sun, 24 May 2009 01:19:27 PST