Clear Natural Vision Is Just One Of The Possible Benefits of LASIK Eye Surgery (Plus 10 Associated Articles) It is necessary that you weigh the pros and cons before going in for an eye surgery. And much to your relief, as far as LASIK is concerned, the benefits far outweigh whatever minimal risk is involved. Mon, 18 Oct 2010 01:08:44 PST en-us Clear Natural Vision Is Just One Of The Possible Benefits of LASIK Eye Surgery Mon, 18 Oct 2010 01:08:44 PST How to Boost Confidence Quickly and Easily Everyone needs to boost confidence from time to time and we have found some very helpful ways to make sure that you are always feeling in top form, with the empowerment and confidence to shine how you should, at your best. Sat, 23 May 2009 04:08:04 PST Are You Attracted To The Wrong Sort Of Man? How often have you said to a your friends, ”I always seem to pick guys who are bad for me.”According to Hypnotherapy specialist Roderick Piggott, women who experience a series of broken and unequal relationships, are often suffering from issues of low self-esteem and poor self-image. This causes them to choose the wrong partners again and again. Low self-esteem can really impact negatively on a persons quality of life, making them feel that they don’t deserve love an... Sun, 24 May 2009 05:56:08 PST Being Dumped, just plain sucks! The last woman I was involved with was quite full of herself. So then why did she dump me?" And my answer to him was this... Sun, 24 May 2009 06:18:15 PST BROKEN TRUST! If you have been there so to speak, then you know what it means to suffer from a trust betrayal, or BROKEN TRUST. For lack of a better word. It just plain SUX! Sun, 24 May 2009 06:21:43 PST Jealousy : A lonely place to be! You really have to experience this emotion to understand its strong hold on a persons mind. Not only their mind, but their entire being. Sun, 24 May 2009 08:40:32 PST Just love me! Just LOVE me, like a fat kid loves cake! Sun, 24 May 2009 09:17:03 PST To Trust or not to Trust ! Trust is something we learn as very small babies. We trust the first person that we bond with and it grows from there. Have you ever noticed how cool kids are? They trust every little thing we say. They rarely question us when we tell them something. Sun, 24 May 2009 09:24:21 PST Walking on egg shells ! Walking on egg shells! Has anyone ever told you, that's how they feel around you? If they have, it's a huge red flag and one that should not be ignored. It needs to be dealt with immediately. Sun, 24 May 2009 09:25:24 PST The Five Phases Of Feedback You may have heard about the five phases of grief. Psychological professionals have outlined the pattern of emotions that humans cycle through during the grieving process. As a writing professional, I’ve discovered the five phases of receiving feedback. Any writer who is advancing in their career has been through the sometimes shocking experience of having her work critiqued. Cycling through these five feedback phases is normal. Getting stuck in any of them, however, could br... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:12 PST What makes a good fiction book? Author and publisher Diana Ennen talks about three crucial elements to writing a good fiction book. Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:14 PST