Astronomy (Plus 10 Associated Articles) The stars have always been a fascinating subject. Perhaps that's one reason why astronomy is so popular these days.In essence, Astronomy isn't just about studying stars, as most people think. It's actually a study of celestial objects, which includes not only stars but also planets, comets and entire galaxies. In fact, Astronomy also studies different phenomena that come from outside of the earth's atmosphere, such as auroras and cosmic background radiation.In additio... Sun, 24 Oct 2010 05:06:26 PST en-us Astronomy Sun, 24 Oct 2010 05:06:26 PST Compatibility Horoscope What is a Compatibility Horoscope? With only 12 signs of the zodiac, you wouldn’t believe finding the ideal partner would be all that difficult. Ahhh, but did you consider whether they are Earth, Fire, Air or Water signs, or consider a Compatibility Horoscope? You didn’t? Then read on... Sat, 06 Mar 2010 04:56:58 PST How Gambling Horoscopes Help you Win In this article we cover the different theories behind how horoscopes predict the future. Sun, 24 May 2009 11:20:15 PST Book Review: Alex Webster And The Gods By David Dent What’s a major deity to do when he finds himself washed up on Mt Olympus? Jupiter, once mighty Roman God has spent two millennia sulking about his defeat at the hands of Yahweh and the loss of the great Roman Empire. Jupiter and his motley assortment of gods have become complacent, even the eternal fountains have mildew on them and are in need of a good clean.Shedding his robes in favor of an expensive Brooks Bros pin stripe three piece suit and Harvard Business School MB... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:04 PST How Gambling Horoscopes Help you Win In this article we cover the different theories behind how horoscopes predict the future. Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:45 PST Content is King As newspaper and television advertising is becoming irrelevant, you may have some grasp as to what is going on with how social media is becoming the norm. It has evolved through social networking and eventually content sharing, but it has since become something more of a science. Sun, 04 Sep 2011 07:21:13 PST Barcelona Spain - So Much Fun In One Day The city of Barcelona, Spain, as all the Iberian Peninsula, has been clearly marked by its long history which dates to the Roman times. But what really left a deep impression and can still be fully appreciated today is what the Arabs left behind. Not only can you awe at the lovely cathedrals, temples and other buildings but you can feel it in the powerful, brave character of the people in Catalunya. The cities of Lleida, Girona, Tarragona and Barcelona make up the region call... Tue, 09 Feb 2010 03:58:12 PST Visitors Guide to Honolulu, Hawaii, USA Honolulu is one of the most popular destinations in Hawaii and is a major city, being located at the far end of Waikiki. The main tourist hot spots in Honolulu are the downtown district - the Pacific Region's main financial and business center, and Waikiki, the heart of Honolulu. Tue, 09 Feb 2010 04:01:05 PST Grateful For The Changes In My Life Since Watching The Secret I’m writing this article to discuss how the ideas in The Secret have dramatically changed my life. Please note that I am not associated with this movie in any way, but like so many others am just thankful for that incredible moment of “aha” it gave me. We’ve been given a great gift from Rhonda Byrne and I hope everyone takes advantage. Here is what has happened since watching the movie.For starters, I recently accepted a commission for a single painting that is 10 TIMES G... Fri, 06 Aug 2010 12:12:07 PST Spirituality And Science - Opposites? Are spirituality and science opposed to each other? Some ideas on the roles of the spiritual and scientific in our lives. Sat, 07 Aug 2010 11:46:38 PST Vedic Astrology Horoscope - Sun In Cancer - Venus / Moon - More On Saturn The Sun has entered Cancer in the Sidereal zodiac, bringing a strong tendency to nurture and emotionally protect our loved ones. When the Sun goes through Cancer the quality of divine motherhood is awakened in each of us -- at least that is the potential. Suddenly there's a renewed sensitivity to all of us as children. There is a great possibility for all to lay down their weapons and sympathize with their enemies for the next couple of weeks.Cancer is the sign of sensiti... Sat, 07 Aug 2010 12:08:33 PST