Focus On A Well-Defined Niche Market For Greater Success (Plus 10 Associated Articles) Let me ask you this... What do most people go online for?If you said INFORMATION - then you are absolutely right.And besides, that IS and always will be the Internet's primary purpose and will always be one of the main reasons why people come online to search for. So, with that said, you should now have a good idea as to why Niche Content Sites are the way to go if you are looking to build a network of sites that will produce a nice residual income for years t... Mon, 01 Nov 2010 03:24:07 PST en-us Focus On A Well-Defined Niche Market For Greater Success Mon, 01 Nov 2010 03:24:07 PST What To DO When You Don't Know What To Do NEXT? In the course of building your business, there are times where you may not actually be sure of what next steps to take or even what questions to ask. I help entrepreneurs with business development and small business funding support and coaching and these are the very questions I hear from clients during our first meeting. Sun, 26 May 2013 07:20:36 PST Passion To Prosperity For The Holistic Practitioner and Service Provider All too often, practitioners and service professionals who maintain a high degree of integrity with the work they do find it challenging to grow their business--- or to even think of the service they provide as a “business”. What general happens is they find themselves continually trading time for dollars with no room left to pursue other important activities such as marketing, follow-up, networking, operational duties, or developing other revenue streams of their business, etc. Tue, 15 Apr 2008 10:30:10 PST Writing For Cash – Real Opportunities make money writing on the internet. Sun, 24 May 2009 09:54:53 PST Freelance Writing: A Career From Anywhere An island in the Mediterranean. A beach in Africa. The east coast of New Zealand. What do these locations have in common? In each of these and in many other remote places, I know of writers who are freelancing with a fair degree of success. Sun, 24 May 2009 11:20:15 PST How to House a Successful Online Business Learn the intricate details that will not only prevent your online business website from losing money, but will actually double your income. Sun, 24 May 2009 11:20:16 PST Need An Idea For An E-Book? You’ve probably heard about e-books—they’re everywhere on the Internet, and it seems like everyone is writing them. You’ve probably even thought about writing one yourself. But, what to write about? You need some e-book ideas.First, e-books are electronic books that are downloaded and saved onto your computer. Some e-books must be purchased, and some are even free. You can read them directly from your computer, or print them out to read at any time. The intriguing thing a... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:20:17 PST The Dot Com Era is Back In a recent article titled "Internet use threatens to overtake TV in Canada" it discusses the threat of online marketing to traditional media sources in Canada. This isn't a a threat anymore in the US. It is a fact. Sun, 24 May 2009 11:20:18 PST The Perils And Pitfalls Of Publishing: Who Can An Author Trust? One out of every eight people call themselves a writer, which means there are roughly 24 million people in the United States who carry that banner. Unfortunately there are charlatans and scam artists just waiting to ambush the unsuspecting author. How can a novice writer protect themselves?Anyone can call themselves a publisher. Always remember money flows towards the author from the publisher, not the other way round.What to look out for:Charges the author a fee ... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:20:19 PST A Freelancer's Guide To Meeting Project Deadlines When it comes to meeting deadlines, one way to manage your timetable effectively is to divide the large jobs and farm them out to several freelancers.Let’s say you’ve been awarded a writing job to write an e-book on childcare with 10 chapters for $2,000 over a 45 day period of time. Bid out each chapter separately among 10 freelancers and allocate, say, $100 for each chapter over a 25 day period. This way you don’t have to worry about the deadline because you’ve given you... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:04 PST A Writer’s Guide To Finding Freelance Writing Jobs Writers are very much in demand these days because of the rising demands for their online content. The pay is oftentimes better and the hours are not so long. Many even freelance full-time. Freelance writing extends to several different categories. Before you begin looking for work, you’ll have to decide whether or not you want to get credit for your writing. If you insist on a byline, you may have difficulty finding a lot of paying jobs. Byline jobs are out there if you ... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:04 PST