Travel to New York City: The Bigger Apple (Plus 10 Associated Articles) Frank Sinatra knew what he was singing about when he declared that he was going to be a part of it in New York. New York City is the queen of metropolitan life and the quintessence of globalized heritage. From the sensory excitement of Times Square’s King Kong-sized interactive plasma screens to the serene greenery of Central Park’s 850 acres, every aspect of New York life has been nurtured with exacting detail. Tue, 16 Nov 2010 10:00:40 PST en-us Travel to New York City: The Bigger Apple Tue, 16 Nov 2010 10:00:40 PST How to Earn Money in Retirement and Beat the Pension Crisis The call to earn money in retirement is fast becoming a necessity and this is so because when you retire from the workplace you continue forevermore to face the prospect of escalating living expenses Sun, 24 May 2009 02:08:01 PST Building a golden nest egg for your retirement years Building a golden nest egg for your retirement yearsIt is now necessary for people in the UK to work longer before they retire, but there are more ways to build a nest egg than relying on unpredictable investments. Sat, 20 Jun 2009 05:50:28 PST Market Cycle Investment Management Thinking Whatever happened to the Stock Market Cycle; the Interest Rate Cycle; Baby Jane? How did Wall Street get away with pushing these facts of financial life down the basement stairs? Most investors, and some financial advisers, media representatives, and market gurus have abandoned these fascinating curves for the comfort of a straight-edged twelve-month playing field... simple, yes; realistic, not. Wed, 16 Sep 2015 06:53:42 PST Jim Dandy To The Rescue - Of The Economy Get rid of SFAS (Statement of Financial Accounting Standards) Rule # 157, which works something like this: While my bank owns my mortgage, it's worth full value. As part of a Ginny Mae--- still full value. But once it crosses over into the ether of CDOs and other multi-level Frankensteinesque monstrosities, my paid in advance mortgage becomes indistinguishable. Sat, 07 Nov 2009 02:54:10 PST A Conservative's Liberal Plan To Transform Social Security A Social Security Retirement Income Annuity, or SSRIA, invested 70% or more in government (all levels) guaranteed securities, could be phased in quickly as a mandatory replacement for the existing Social Security program. The personally owned SSRIA would also become a voluntary investment option for all self-directed programs and a guaranteed safe savings vehicle for after tax discretionary dollars. Fri, 27 Apr 2012 05:28:01 PST Let's Make 401k Plans Behave More Like Retirement Plans Although it is true that you do not pay taxes on your contributions during the earning years, you will absolutely pay through both nostrils when you retire. If your karma is off, you may find yourself retiring at a time when the stock market is not in a party mood and your shrinking mutual funds don't seem quite as secure as they did a few months earlier. We can deal with the market cycle; a saner tax code is a much bigger problem Mon, 06 Jan 2014 11:17:10 PST Solving Social Security is No Big Deal - Details (August, 2006) Are you surprised that there is no Social Security Trust Fund... no investments and no Investment Managers. This is a gigantic Government designed and controlled Ponzi scheme that has worked incredibly well in spite of congressional tinkering and prohibitively high cost. There was always a tax plan for funding the benefits, but never an Investment Plan. Sat, 07 Nov 2009 08:04:06 PST Solving Social Security is No Big Deal - The Solution (August, 2006) Are you surprised that there is no Social Security Trust Fund... no investments and no Investment Managers. This is a gigantic Government designed and controlled Ponzi scheme that has worked incredibly well in spite of congressional tinkering and prohibitively high cost. There was always a tax plan for funding the benefits, but never an Investment Plan. Sat, 07 Nov 2009 08:07:07 PST Send Your Stress Away In San Jose? Yes, Really - Travel Information Situated in the very south of the San Francisco Bay, San Jose is a beacon of technology, innovation and modern culture. With a population larger than that of neighboring San Francisco and one of the highest per family average incomes in the country, San Jose is the epicenter of Silicon Valley’s booming tech and dot-com business. Finding airfare to San Jose is also an excellent alternative for accessing the wonderful southern San Francisco Bay Area, including the beaches of Ha... Tue, 09 Feb 2010 03:54:02 PST What Is Testosterone Suspension? Mon, 18 Oct 2010 11:28:20 PST