How do you get the money you need for your business? (Plus 10 Associated Articles) A Guide to Finding Investors and Receiving a Business Loan. Tue, 16 Nov 2010 10:04:50 PST en-us How do you get the money you need for your business? Tue, 16 Nov 2010 10:04:50 PST Online Scams: How To Avoid Getting Fooled Learn how to avoid the three most popular scams you will run into online without damaging the thrill of surfing the internet. Sun, 24 May 2009 11:20:18 PST A Guide To Online Payment Processors ‘Free’ Accounts or Merchant Accounts? Anyone who does business online (and actually takes money from other people) must, at some point, bite the bullet and choose a credit card processing company – this can be quite an expensive decision. There are effectively two different ways of going about this; you can either go for the free accounts or the specific merchant accounts. But what is there to distinguish the two? After all they both allow you to accept a payment ... Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:38 PST Benefits Of Online Credit Card Processors We have all heard of PayPal. PayPal is an online credit card processor that allows online businesses to securely accept credit cards as a form of payment. In addition to PayPal, there are additional online credit card processors. Online shopping has dramatically increased in popularity and each day more consumers think about purchasing online. Online shopping is popular because it is generally easy and convenient. Online credit card processors help to make online shopping... Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:39 PST Building Your Way To Online Success-Part 1 As your alarm clock explodes into life each morning, and you reach out to pound it back into submission for another ten minutes, does the thought ever cross your mind that there could be a way to end this same tired, old routine?Each day, as you make your way to and from your workplace, amidst the fumes, frustration, and financial drain that is the lot of a commuter, do you ever dream of being able to step out of your bedroom and straight into your workplace?If you’re... Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:39 PST Building Your Way To Online Success-Part 3 Here is a recap of the content of our first two guidelines for getting a successful business started:Step 1: DECIDE WHAT YOUR BUSINESS IS GOING TO BEStep 2: CREATE A WEBSITEThis article will extend the ideas for CREATING A WEBSITE. In the last article we talked about the design of the site which provides a critical first impression with your visitors. Remember, with website design it is better to have no online presence than a lousy one.As important as the des... Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:39 PST Building Your Way To Online Success-Part 4 Just as a good business plan relies on a certain number of consistent factors to be successful, so too, does a well thought out and executed website. Your site can provide any personality you wish (i.e. fun, adventurous, touching, professional, etc.), but it’s important to tune your website to the frequency of both visitor and search engine.For instance, if the purpose of your website is golfing, but the majority of your written material is about something other than golf... Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:39 PST Fake Credit Card Numbers Mean Safer Online Shopping Isn't That Illegal?Yes, using credit cards fraudulently is illegal. This article is absolutely not suggesting that you make up and use a credit card number. You should also never use credit cards belonging to other people. Below is a summary of new services the credit card companies have created to make online credit card use more secure. How Does It Work?It is more appropriate to use the terms "temporary credit card numbers" or "single-use credit card numbe... Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:42 PST How Can I Start An Internet Business With No Technical Skills? It’s easy for him, hr knows about websites. It’s ok for her, she understands HTML.I know how you feel, I felt the same way and yes I have a technical and programming development so I learnt what I needed to but what if you can’t or don’t want too?That was a question that I had been thinking about for some time. You see, many years ago I used to help people to help themselves, it was probably the most satisfying work I have ever done.With that in mind I have been w... Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:45 PST How To Accept Credit Cards Without A Merchant Account To increase sales on your website, you must accept credit cards. To process credit cards, you could apply for a merchant account through your bank or other financial institution. Sometimes, though, you would be further ahead to use the services of a credit card processor. This is especially true when you are first starting out and have more limited resources. In this way, you may process credit card transactions without the high front-end costs and requirements of a merch... Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:45 PST How to Start an Affordable Internet Business If you are looking for a way to start your own business, you probably have a few reservations that are constantly holding you back. And if you are like the majority of people, the main problem that you are running into is probably financial. Sun, 11 Mar 2012 10:42:44 PST