Stag Weekends in Bratislava – Aiming your Target (Plus 10 Associated Articles) The capital city of Slovakia, Bratislava, is the prime place for some of the most exciting stag weekend activities. A city with a blend of history and modernity, Bratislava is the top choice if you are looking for reasonably priced stag weekends. It is the biggest city in Slovakia and rests on the river Danube, sharing its border with Hungary and Austria. Tue, 16 Nov 2010 12:08:36 PST en-us Stag Weekends in Bratislava – Aiming your Target Tue, 16 Nov 2010 12:08:36 PST What To DO When You Don't Know What To Do NEXT? In the course of building your business, there are times where you may not actually be sure of what next steps to take or even what questions to ask. I help entrepreneurs with business development and small business funding support and coaching and these are the very questions I hear from clients during our first meeting. Sun, 26 May 2013 07:20:36 PST Passion To Prosperity For The Holistic Practitioner and Service Provider All too often, practitioners and service professionals who maintain a high degree of integrity with the work they do find it challenging to grow their business--- or to even think of the service they provide as a “business”. What general happens is they find themselves continually trading time for dollars with no room left to pursue other important activities such as marketing, follow-up, networking, operational duties, or developing other revenue streams of their business, etc. Tue, 15 Apr 2008 10:30:10 PST Small Business Funding: 10 Ways To Actually ‘Sell’ Your Idea Before You Launch Here are some things you can do right from the beginning to build value in your business. These are important items if you want to attract funding, experts, customers and large contracts. Wed, 01 Oct 2008 12:28:52 PST Small Business Funding: The Haves And The Have-Nots I’ve heard it literally thousands of times from inventors and start-up entrepreneurs “I have the best idea on the planet --- why can’t I get anyone to invest in me?” Every entrepreneur has the opportunity in this country to seek funding to help launch their idea yet very few do it successfully. It has everything to do with the opportunities you can actually create for yourself. Wed, 01 Oct 2008 12:50:36 PST Website Fundamentals There are several things make your website an effective marketing tool. Among the most important are search engine optimization (SEO) techniques, social media marketing (SMO) techniques, building testimonials, creating a simple and easy-to-use system, writing and promoting articles on a regular basis, maintaining communications with potential customers, building drip marketing campaigns for each product or service you sell, and more. Thu, 10 Dec 2009 02:04:07 PST Does Technology Make The Difference In Business? Technology is perceived as the "enabler" for business. And with the recent commoditization of technology - the playing field has been leveled. Whatever technology, products and services company A can buy are also available to company B. So in effect technology should be the least significant component of any business and therefore it is not about technology. Wed, 05 Nov 2008 03:27:58 PST Business Technology Tools - What Others Have Done! Can You Do the Same? Some of the most successful businesses in the past few years have done so because of innovative technology they have purchased available in their industry. What does it take to make your business succeed? What is new out there in business technology that may help save your time or organize your sales force into a leaner, meaner machine?! Mon, 17 May 2010 03:52:51 PST Building Your Business in a Down Economy! The economy is in a down turn, and it's hard to know where the bottom is. Here is what I do know - some business will do well, and some will fold. Sun, 26 May 2013 07:28:53 PST Where Do Illnesses Come From? A big contributor to the health care crisis we face is the concern of people who worry about coming down with a devastating illness, and the feared high costs associated with major medical problems. The logical way to look at this is to understand that any illness is either "self induced" or "an act of God". Mon, 06 Apr 2009 08:57:22 PST How to meet local swingers online My experiences with a local adult personals website, and how it changed my life! Sat, 23 May 2009 04:08:05 PST