My Adventure With Creative Writing (Plus 10 Associated Articles) During my last semester of college I had a few hours that I got to fill with elective classes. I had heard good things about the professor who taught Creative Writing and so I signed up for the class without too much thought about the content of the class or what it would require of me. Little did I know when I signed up that the Creative Writing class would be one of the hardest of my entire college experience.I entered the class on the first day of the semester and was ... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:10 PST en-us My Adventure With Creative Writing Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:10 PST One Author’s Solution For Publishing Creative Writing Output It has never been easy to have your creative writing output accepted for publishing – until now Sun, 24 May 2009 10:37:09 PST The Secret Power of Words If the best way of communicating with prospects and existing customers was through sign language, we’d all have to learn to sign. Or if the best method of communication proved to be some kind of mutually understandable code, we’d all have to learn that code in order to say anything. Thankfully, our communication process is much more simple…or is it? Sun, 24 May 2009 10:52:35 PST Avoid Crafty Traps in Essay Writing Hidden pitfalls are on watch for your paper success in every paragraph of the essay you write. They are notorious misprints, insidious misspellings and numerous stylistic, syntax and format errors. Indeed they are your restless essay writing enemies, which are always on the alert, putting obstacles on your way to excellent grades for your writing assignments. Sun, 24 May 2009 11:16:40 PST Not A Term Paper Mill! As a writer for hire, do you accept every job that comes along or do you have definitive and concrete standards? Sun, 24 May 2009 11:20:17 PST An Author's Glimpse Into The Operation Of A Book Publishing Company The publishing company is the backbone of the writing world. The publishing company provides a great service to society by publishing and displaying the work of authors. The global existence of publishers is obvious, but the inner workings of a publishing company is unknown by many authors. Many book publishers consider the publishing industry as an apprenticeship industry -- most book publishing professionals gain knowledge and skills in this field with hands-on job experien... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:03 PST An Author's Guide To Publishing A Book Ask any published book author about writing a book, and they will tell you it's a monumental task. The process is long, drawn out, and grueling. Even if you enjoy writing – and don't mind writing on the same subject for an extended period -- the writing process will, undoubtedly, exhaust you. Getting your book published, however, will take even more time and effort than writing the thing in the first place.Are you thinking about writing a book? Have you already written on... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:03 PST Book Publishing From A Book Publisher's Point Of View Many writers aspire to write books. Writing a book is a long, involved, difficult process. Book publishing is harder. A writer may submit his book repeatedly only to be turned down. The writer may eventually succeed. Wouldn't it have been easier to get published the first time? Is that possible?You can improve your chances of a publisher accepting your book manuscript if you understand more about what happens at the publisher's desk. Book publishers are busy people with s... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:04 PST What Everybody Ought To Know About Creative Writing And Being A Professional Writer There are many people trying to be a writer. They keep practicing—which is good—but sometimes they are lack of guidance. Thus, their goal to be a professional writer gradually deteriorates.This must not happen if one has made a decision to be a writer. When there is a strong will, there’s a way.To avoid your will from fading away, here are some tips that you can try doing:• Join writing clubsBy joining this club, you meet many people ha... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:05 PST Creative Writing Ideas - How To Have Them How do you come up with new creative writing ideas? You can start by using a few basic techniques. Here are three simple ones. Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:05 PST Eco-friendly Ways To Reuse And Recycle Books And Magazines As more and more old-growth trees are cut down, and we face the reality of having to wait close to 100 years or more to replace them, the need to recycle paper becomes increasingly important.Paper, of course, includes books and magazines. Although paper products are nearly 100% biodegradable, it is pointless to send these resources to the dump to rot in the landfill when we can recycle and reuse them.More than any other material we hope to recycle, books and magazines... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:06 PST