London the wheel clamping capital of the Universe (Plus 10 Associated Articles) Personally i would suggest that you visit the city in the evening after all you haven't come to London to sunbathe have you?Seeing the sites of London is highly recommended but do not expect to be able drive around the city and park your car outside of your desired attraction. (no chance) Tue, 16 Nov 2010 01:04:41 PST en-us London the wheel clamping capital of the Universe Tue, 16 Nov 2010 01:04:41 PST Raising Capital - Part 1 Raising capital in a free enterprise system. In part 1, I discuss debt versus capital and the failure of our free enterprise school system to teach us how to become wealthy. Thu, 12 Nov 2009 03:39:25 PST Are you struggling to raise capital and launch your business? Would you like to know where the investors are? If you are having trouble raising capital, you either are not in the right space or your don't understand The Language of Capital. When you know where to find the investors (not venture capital people who want 60-70% of your business) and you know the language of capital, you can raise all the capital you need. Sun, 01 Apr 2012 02:55:06 PST What To DO When You Don't Know What To Do NEXT? In the course of building your business, there are times where you may not actually be sure of what next steps to take or even what questions to ask. I help entrepreneurs with business development and small business funding support and coaching and these are the very questions I hear from clients during our first meeting. Sun, 26 May 2013 07:20:36 PST Small Business Funding: The Haves And The Have-Nots I’ve heard it literally thousands of times from inventors and start-up entrepreneurs “I have the best idea on the planet --- why can’t I get anyone to invest in me?” Every entrepreneur has the opportunity in this country to seek funding to help launch their idea yet very few do it successfully. It has everything to do with the opportunities you can actually create for yourself. Wed, 01 Oct 2008 12:50:36 PST 5 Secrets For Turning Fine Copy Into Good Copy As a wife, there's almost nothing worse than having my husband say I look fine. Mind you, fine is not too bad by the world's standards. But, trust me, by a wife's standards fine is not good. Sun, 11 Mar 2012 11:34:25 PST Pretty Girls Russian Brides: A Smart Way to Build an Online Relationship Pretty girls Russian brides are being searched by thousands of Western men. Online and offline. In this article, you'll discover a smart way to build your online relationship leading to marriage with a Russian woman. Sat, 23 May 2009 04:08:09 PST Why Are Russian Women So Popular? Learn The Secrets. This topic has been debated many times but the question still exists: "Why do a lot of single men all over the world choose Russian single women?" Frankly, what's so special about a Russian woman? Sat, 23 May 2009 04:08:19 PST Finest Russian Women Still Want American Men. Why? "Why are the finest Russian women so much more interested in corresponding with American men than are American women interested in corresponding with American men"? If you ask Russian ladies looking for American men about their motivations for seeking a husband abroad you may find out some convincing arguments for doing so. Sun, 24 May 2009 08:40:31 PST Book Review: Stolen Boy By Michael Mehas Stolen Boy is billed as a work of fiction, however it actually explores a real event, and that event is still unfolding in the Southern California court system. Jessie James Hollywood faces the potential of the trip to lethal injection for his actions. So real is Michael Mehas' book that he actually was subpoenaed twice as a witness in the trial, and forced to hand over his notes and tapes of interviews he had conducted.With a background of Los Angeles, Stolen boy is abou... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:04 PST Speakers Clubs in the UK Developing effective communication skills is not an easy task, especially if your company does not sponsor the training. However, there is a voluntary organisation called the Association of Speakers Clubs who can help you locally. Just type Association of Speakers Clubs into a search engine and locate your nearest club. You'll find them friendly, helpful and supportive of your desire to improve. Sun, 24 May 2009 12:13:13 PST