Modern Investment Thinking: A Plague O' Both Your Houses (Plus 10 Associated Articles) MPT doesn't just ignore all fundamental analytics while playing Frankenstein with technical analysis, it also pays no attention to the reality of market, interest rate, and economic cycles. It goes beyond real numbers and rational thinking by creating new and refined numbers --- supercharged to impress the intellectual elite while doing nothing to create dependable income streams for retirees.- Tue, 25 Aug 2015 10:02:09 PST en-us Modern Investment Thinking: A Plague O' Both Your Houses Tue, 25 Aug 2015 10:02:09 PST Website Fundamentals There are several things make your website an effective marketing tool. Among the most important are search engine optimization (SEO) techniques, social media marketing (SMO) techniques, building testimonials, creating a simple and easy-to-use system, writing and promoting articles on a regular basis, maintaining communications with potential customers, building drip marketing campaigns for each product or service you sell, and more. Thu, 10 Dec 2009 02:04:07 PST Don’t Worry or Doubt, Check It Out! Life would be difficult without the blessing of significant relationships as an integral part of our lifestyle. However although relationships can be the source of much joy and happiness, they also can frequently be a source of pain, stress, conflict and anxiety. Sun, 24 May 2009 08:29:25 PST How can we make our Advertising as Effective as Possible. The answer is to test. Test again. And then test some more. If ad “A” receives a two percent response rate, and ad “B” receives three percent, then we can deduce that ad “B” will continue to outperform ad “A” on a larger scale.Testing takes time, however, and can be expensive if not kept in check. Therefore, it’s ideal to start with some proven tested known ideas and work from there. Sun, 24 May 2009 10:37:08 PST Book Publishing - How I Got Into Book Publishing As a published author and creative writing teacher I often get asked how writers can get published. One of the simplest ways to answer that question is tell the story of my publishing contracts with two different publishers.Like many other writers, I have always wanted to write a book and started scribbling stories as a child. I have also always been an avid reader. When I started my first book I did not know what I was doing. It was a learning experience and I was not su... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:04 PST Book Publishing - What Is The Secret To Getting Your Book Published? As a three-time published author and creative writing teacher I get asked a lot: "What is the secret to getting your book published?" Many of the interrogators are disappointed, some even disbelieving, when I tell them there is no secret. Getting published is about three key elements and none of them are a secret but all three play an important role. Book publishing requires a combination of luck, timing, and talent.I know too much about the publishing game (and it is a g... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:04 PST Writers Block: Writers Resources To End Writers Block Writers block is one of those mysterious ailments that is blamed for late assignments, missed deadlines, and failed dreams. Some people claim it is merely a myth while others find it plagues their writing.As someone with more than two decades of professional writing, editing and teaching experience I feel quite strongly that in 99.9 percent of reported cases of writers block are nothing more than a chimera. In my opinion, far too many would-be writers spend far too much t... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:15 PST Writing Help: You Should Use Your Calendar To Improve Your Writing Many of my students shrug their shoulders at the beginning of the semester when I tell them that time is their best friend. Just like my students, too many writers struggle with their writing because they treat time as a four letter word. However time is not the enemy if you learn to use it wisely. Time can be a tremendous help when you write if you plan ahead. Making a wise use of your time is a three-step process.First, allow yourself enough time to live with the idea y... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:18 PST Writing Prompts: Who Needs This Writing Help? Writing prompts can offer tremendous writing help for writers at every level of experience and expertise. Who can use writing prompts?Beginners can use writing prompts to help them learn and grow as writers as well as gain valuable experience in the craft. The only sure way to improve your writing is to write regularly and prompts can help you sharpen your skills on a regular basis. Perfection will never be in your writing future, but it is very true that regular practice... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:18 PST Teleprompting – A Speaker’s Dream Come True A brief history of teleprompting and how it is being used today. Sun, 24 May 2009 12:13:13 PST How To Convert Hits Into Sales One of the common questions asked by web site owners is: "I’m getting plenty of hits but no sales – what is going on?" This article will give you some tips on how to address this issue. Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:46 PST