Panama's big history dig (Plus 10 Associated Articles)
Archeological research in PanamaSat, 31 Mar 2012 09:28:26 PSTen-usPanama's big history dig, 31 Mar 2012 09:28:26 PSTJonny Quest A quick history of the Jonny Quest cartoon., 15 Mar 2011 10:09:32 PSTModern Life Link My new site about cultures, lifestyles, and activities., 05 Jan 2010 11:11:04 PSTAdd Some Factor with Your Body During the middle Ages, knights used a Heraldic Coat of Arms to identify themselves. One man in armour looked a lot like another, so the Heraldic Coat of Arms was used to identify a knight in battle. In a society where few people could read and write, pictures were very important., 24 May 2009 09:54:45 PSTKeep Your Entry in Safe Position A door knocker is an item of door furniture that allows people outside a house to alert those inside to their presence. A door knocker has a part fixed to the door, and a part (usually metal) attached to it by a hinge that may be lifted and used to strike a plate fitted to the door, or the door itself, making a noise. The struck plate, if present, would be supplied and fitted with the knocker., 24 May 2009 09:54:51 PSTBingo History: Story of the Game Bingo Here you can read about the history of the popular game bingo, which includes dried beans, stuttering girls and mad professors., 24 May 2009 11:16:40 PSTBook Review: through The Eyes Of A Survivor "I have told this story to Colette for many reasons. I want people to understand what happened during World War II, to know what was done to us Jews for no reason at all, other than that we happened to be Jewish. I also want young people to learn from the things I did in my life that allowed me to survive. But my greatest hope in sharing this story is so that my parents and other family members did not die in vain. I truly believe that telling others about their murders and s..., 24 May 2009 11:57:04 PSTPeep into the Fabulous World of Dictionaries Get to know who and when compiled the first English dictionary!, 24 May 2009 11:57:10 PSTPop Culture, Slang, And Day-Old Sushi: Things That Can Quickly Go Bad (And How To Keep Them From Fouling Up Your YA Fiction)In 10 years, will anybody understand you if you say "fo shizzle?" Will they stare blankly if you mention Britney Spears' buzz cut or Paris Hilton's jail time? They might, they might not, but the point is this: If you're a writer of young adult fiction, you can't afford to pepper your prose with slang and cultural references that reek like week-old sushi.More than in any other genre of writing, writers of young adul..., 24 May 2009 11:59:35 PSTBack To Back: Two Good Reads On Entry Level Leadership And Culture This month, I read two books back to back: Soldier's Heart by Elizabeth Samet and Punching In by Alex Frankel. Both of these works are an excellent introduction into entry-level corporate culture and leadership development.Soldier's Heart is a civilian English professor's take on the leadership culture of West Point, based on her 10 years experience as a faculty member. Professor Samet is in a rare, but well qualified position to pen Soldier's Heart. Only a fifth of the a..., 24 May 2009 12:00:32 PSTHow To Organize A Book About Family History From scrapbooking to videography, so many families around the world are trying to document their life history before they depart from this world. But what happens when one becomes frustrated with it all, not enough time and/or money, started a project but never finished it or better yet never even began?Online experts have provided many solutions to this problem, two websites can be found at the end of this article. Let's begin with some tips from a work in progress to co..., 24 May 2009 12:00:32 PST