No Android Apps for BlackBerry Smartphones (Plus 2 Associated Articles) Vice President of RIM (Research In Motion) firm, Alec Saunders on Friday announced its dropdown plan of introducing sidewise Android Apps set-up for its upcoming PlayBook and Smartphones. The news was declared by VC on social network, Twitter and unveiled the reason as avoiding already-existing Android duplicity. Wed, 11 Apr 2012 12:13:51 PST en-us No Android Apps for BlackBerry Smartphones Wed, 11 Apr 2012 12:13:51 PST Android 4.0 Update for Samsung Galaxy Note to be Available in Q2 with Special Goodies The Android 4.0 update for the Samsung Galaxy Note, which was promised to be launched in Q1, has been postponed for the second quarter of this year. You will also get a number of special apps along with this update. Fri, 30 Mar 2012 03:12:02 PST RIM new management team at the launch of BlackBerry 10 BlackBerry has appointed two persons in its management at the launching eve of BlackBerry 10. Fri, 11 May 2012 02:11:40 PST