Useful Tips for Entrepreneurs to Find Investors Online (Plus 8 Associated Articles) Finding investors and fund raisers online is a difficult task. Entrepreneurs need to learn an array of practices so as to find capitalists for their projects. This article discusses on how to find investors and where to find investors. Wed, 18 Jul 2012 02:16:48 PST en-us Useful Tips for Entrepreneurs to Find Investors Online Wed, 18 Jul 2012 02:16:48 PST Can LinkedIn Work for You? If I had a penny for every time someone told me “I’m on LinkedIn but I don’t really know how to use it to use it”, I would be a rich man. There are literally millions of people with many more millions of connections yet few people have actually been able to use it to generate an economic gain. This series of articles will dive into LinkedIn and explore how you can use it more effectively. Sat, 07 Mar 2009 09:23:05 PST Online Community Based on Social Networking The Pop Nation is a social networking platform that allows users to upload videos, music and image content. It creates an online environment for users to network, meet new people and interact with each other through chat rooms and members can form groups and post their events, they can also express their opinions through posting blogs, holding discussions in the forum and creating polls. Sun, 24 May 2009 08:22:52 PST Social Networking On Squidoo Easily Capture Laser-Targeted, Highly Profitable Leads for Your Niche By Following This Simple, Step-by-Step System Using Squidoo – A Grown-Up (Simplified) Version of MySpace!With John Reese’s Seal Of Approval! Sun, 24 May 2009 01:19:25 PST The First Social Commerce Network Social networking sites such as YouTube™, FaceBook™, and MySpace™ have not only been a boon to makers of funny videos – they have become a tool for savvy online marketers to sell their wares. Everything from music to used cars is sold via online videos. Sun, 24 May 2009 02:08:06 PST Social Networking History - Part 1 Social networking sites are the basis of everything we do now with social media sites. They can be used to effectively promote your business, but each requires a different skill set and a significant investment of time. This information is good for understanding the new syndication strategies and approaches that provide the most effect with the least time. Sun, 04 Sep 2011 12:51:45 PST Social Networking History - Part 2 Social networking sites are the basis of everything we do now with social media sites. They can be used to effectively promote your business, but each requires a different skill set and a significant investment of time. This information is good for understanding the new syndication strategies and approaches that provide the most effect with the least time. Sun, 04 Sep 2011 07:21:45 PST An Easier Learning Curve Through Social Marketing Networks Most people who have succeeded in business can probably tell you something about the importance of having a mentor who will be able to teach you the ropes in starting your own business. This is because the experience that these successful businessmen can impart is a very important factor in shortening your learning curve and in helping you avoid the mistakes start-up entrepreneurs usually make.Consider the fact that 90 percent of all start-up businesses fail within five ... Mon, 01 Nov 2010 04:06:28 PST How to Use Social Business Networking Relationships: Tips for New Age Businesses Social Business networking is getting importance in modern businesses. This article explains how business people should take advantage of this new age online marketplace. To know more you have to join a social business network and explore further opportunities. Sun, 22 Jul 2012 11:34:43 PST