Shamanism (Plus 6 Associated Articles) Shamanism is considered the oldest religion in the world, although the term Shamanism is relatively new. It is a community form of healing, taught through generations so that anyone interested can practice this healing art. It is credited as the oldest technology for furthering human consciousness. It is finally being recognized as a valuable scientifically proven tool for experiencing realms of reality not readily available in our modern cultures. Tue, 06 Aug 2013 10:45:08 PST en-us Shamanism Tue, 06 Aug 2013 10:45:08 PST Writing To Weave The Spell As you may know, I’m a great fan of the works of the Canadian author, Robertson Davies. So, when I’m looking for inspiration and ideas, I turn to his articles on writing. I came across a speech he gave in 1990 for the Tanner Lectures in New Haven, Connecticut. One is entitled simply Writing, the other Reading.What makes a novel good or even really great, so that it will be read one hundred years from now [or more]? What takes a novel out of its own time, so to speak, and ... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:18 PST Don't Believe... Know! The spiritual evolution of the this planet and its inhabitants is currently in a rapid state of change, a new era is being born, and we are no longer content to be believers, as sheep in a flock. People are waking up to the knowledge that we can be masters of our own destiny, and are looking to the ancient cultures who have survived to show us the way forward. Sat, 07 Aug 2010 11:46:31 PST Beauty And Perception When it comes to perceiving a woman’s beauty, the range of possibility is enormous. I have been lucky in this lifetime to have known several men who love all kinds of women—all types, body shapes, sizes, colors, races. Blonde, brunette, redhead. Short and round or tall and rectangular. It’s all good. Sadly, I have known far more who have such a narrow window for what is lovely that most women can’t even get an “acceptable” rating. They may be liked well enough ... Sat, 07 Aug 2010 12:43:13 PST The Dance Of Change Though many are afraid of change, our world today has made it decidedly clear that, like it or not, change is and continues to be a constant. Not only that, it is an increasingly consistent constant. Like it or not, there’s no avoiding this invitation to dance. Yet if we have learned to flow with this dance, if we have found a way to see ourselves as a partner in the process of change, we have a chance. If we have been attuned enough to have caught a whiff of the winds... Sat, 07 Aug 2010 12:43:26 PST Wabi-sabi: The Beauty Of Imperfection Ring the bells that still can ring.Forget your perfect offering.There is a crack, a crack in everything.That’s how the light gets in. --Leonard CohenTucked away in the deepest heart of Japan, somewhere beyond city life, probably beyond country life, resting in a humble shack on a simple shelf in a nearly bare room, you can find a really powerful idea about beauty. This idea, this way of life, this way of being, goes against everything the contemporary American cul... Sat, 07 Aug 2010 12:43:27 PST Why Hurry – Worry? Living Life By Intuition Learning to trust and live by our intuitive inner guidance systems is not about developing fancy party tricks to impress our friends. It is about learning to return to a life of balance that is guided from a deeper source of wisdom than our current culture has to offer. The more masculine thought processes (I’m not bashing individual men here—we all have masculine and feminine attributes) dominate every aspect of our culture, honoring only the linear and rational ways... Sat, 07 Aug 2010 12:43:28 PST