Writing Resources: 7 Books For Improving Your Manuscript http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/1961 Whether a crawling novice or polished professional, writers from every walk of life have room for improvement in their work. An endless array of rules and techniques must be kept in mind when writing – punctuation, grammar, transition, show don’t tell, etc. As a result, it’s extremely important to have a firm grasp on the fundamentals. By stressing the fundamentals, coaches and trainers have transformed individuals of modest talent into world class competitors. Why should wri... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:18 PST en-us Writing Resources: 7 Books For Improving Your Manuscript http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/1961 http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/1961 Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:18 PST