Your Love Affair With Your Muse (Plus 10 Associated Articles) How’s your love affair with your Muse?That’s right, your Muse. Your creative source. Your inspiration for all the kooky, creative things you do. The voice that whispers, “Hey, why don’t you try encaustic painting? That looks like fun!”Or maybe your voice has a more, well, cranky tone. Maybe your Muse’s voice gets snarky when she sees others creating. Maybe she feels abandoned in the corner, tucked away behind the towering to-do lists.It could be time for a rela... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:18 PST en-us Your Love Affair With Your Muse Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:18 PST Writing Articles to Establish Yourself as an Expert in Your Industry Establishing yourself as an expert in your industry is the tried and true way to build your business. Net-Teams offers every community member the ability, instruction and encouragement to become an author. Sat, 12 Dec 2009 07:06:35 PST Business-to-Business Sales Professionals Wanted Net-Teams will be interviewing business-to-business sales professionals on February 8, 2008 at (name of location) for an opportunity of a lifetime. Those with a proven track record or the sales determination to succeed in business-to-business sales will be given an opportunity to be their own bosses. Thu, 12 Nov 2009 03:40:46 PST The #1 Challenge for CHAMBERS in the 21st century The traditional service economy is changing into an experience economy around the world. People don't want to just receive good service, they are looking to experience it. It's hard at first to understand the difference between receiving and experiencing good service, but if you think in terms of some engaging service you currently enjoy and the difference between that and buying self-service gas for your car, you will have your first clue. Sat, 31 Mar 2012 02:57:10 PST The Art of Suicide The Art of Suicide is a film about the struggles and determination of artists trying establish a name for themselves. A film by Brent Brooks and Blankstage Productions Tue, 05 Jan 2010 11:21:00 PST What To DO When You Don't Know What To Do NEXT? In the course of building your business, there are times where you may not actually be sure of what next steps to take or even what questions to ask. I help entrepreneurs with business development and small business funding support and coaching and these are the very questions I hear from clients during our first meeting. Sun, 26 May 2013 07:20:36 PST Passion To Prosperity For The Holistic Practitioner and Service Provider All too often, practitioners and service professionals who maintain a high degree of integrity with the work they do find it challenging to grow their business--- or to even think of the service they provide as a “business”. What general happens is they find themselves continually trading time for dollars with no room left to pursue other important activities such as marketing, follow-up, networking, operational duties, or developing other revenue streams of their business, etc. Tue, 15 Apr 2008 10:30:10 PST Small Business Funding: The Haves And The Have-Nots I’ve heard it literally thousands of times from inventors and start-up entrepreneurs “I have the best idea on the planet --- why can’t I get anyone to invest in me?” Every entrepreneur has the opportunity in this country to seek funding to help launch their idea yet very few do it successfully. It has everything to do with the opportunities you can actually create for yourself. Wed, 01 Oct 2008 12:50:36 PST How to Easily Evaluate your Startup Idea - pART 1 After you listen to about a hundred startup company pitches you start to notice that they all sink or swim on just a few basic points. Given enough time, you don’t even need to know what the product is. Instead you just start asking whether or not the entrepreneur has the right answer to a handful of questions that validate just about any startup idea. Mon, 30 Nov 2009 02:08:14 PST How to Easily Evaluate your Startup Idea - pART 2 After you listen to about a hundred startup company pitches you start to notice that they all sink or swim on just a few basic points. Given enough time, you don’t even need to know what the product is. Instead you just start asking whether or not the entrepreneur has the right answer to a handful of questions that validate just about any startup idea. Mon, 30 Nov 2009 02:09:49 PST Leads, Referrals, and Networking Partners - Is There a Difference? You often hear that we need a lead attraction system and you know you need to go to networking events. So when you are sitting at your desk with a mountain of names, email addresses, and phone numbers do you know what to do with them? Your action plan will depend on if the name is a lead, referral, or networking partner. You need to categorize the names into three stacks: Lead, Referral, and Networking Partner. Sat, 10 Jan 2009 10:39:13 PST