Be Confident Even In The Face Of Confidence Killers (Plus 10 Associated Articles) You can be confident! All you have to do is rid yourself of confidence killers. Confidence killers are self-defeating thought patterns. Sun, 24 May 2009 12:13:12 PST en-us Be Confident Even In The Face Of Confidence Killers Sun, 24 May 2009 12:13:12 PST Are You Attracted To The Wrong Sort Of Man? How often have you said to a your friends, ”I always seem to pick guys who are bad for me.”According to Hypnotherapy specialist Roderick Piggott, women who experience a series of broken and unequal relationships, are often suffering from issues of low self-esteem and poor self-image. This causes them to choose the wrong partners again and again. Low self-esteem can really impact negatively on a persons quality of life, making them feel that they don’t deserve love an... Sun, 24 May 2009 05:56:08 PST How To Get Published: Eight Surefire Steps For Writing Success How to get published? That’s the big money question for writers. Writing is fulfilling in and of itself, but every writer ultimately wants to learn how to get published.A lot of writers think getting published is a matter of luck. Or it’s a matter of knowing the right person. Or it’s a matter of simply being born a brilliant writer.Although all of the above will help you get published, you don’t have to have any of these things. You can LEARN how to get published... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:07 PST Confidence Building Secrets Of True Winners We all need some confidence building from time to time. Part of feeling confident has a lot to do with how we feel about ourselves. Feeling like we can accomplish things we set out to do is important to feeling confident. Sun, 24 May 2009 12:13:12 PST How To Communicate Better With Body Language Secrets Since the 1970’s, learning how to communicate better has had a lot to do with understanding body language. Sun, 24 May 2009 12:13:12 PST How To Communicate In His Love Language Are you wondering how to communicate with that new man in your life? Or maybe you are just wondering about the next man in your life? New or old, it’s never too late to learn how to communicate in the language of love. Sun, 24 May 2009 12:13:12 PST How To Improve Communication Skills And Your Personal Style Six tips for improving your communication style. Sun, 24 May 2009 12:13:12 PST How To Become A Poker Affiliate: Cashing In On Poker Affiliate Programs To the casual observer making money from online poker might seem like a far-fetched fantasy. But hundreds if not thousands of people are. Most of whom do not own a poker site or work for them directly. Many of them may never have even visited a poker site. Dismissive persons may believe that such a program is just another of the Internets highly ineffective get rich quick schemes, but the truth is very different.The affiliate industry is a way of for two parties to make s... Sun, 24 May 2009 01:19:22 PST Article Marketing Tips I have been writing articles and submitting them to various article directories for around a year now. When I started I felt very fresh and had plenty to write about. After a few months however, I started to get what is known as writers block. I could not think of anything else to write about. In this article I give advice about how to react when this happens, advice which I hope will help you to continue to write quality and original articles. Sun, 24 May 2009 01:46:31 PST Secrets To Control Your Path To Success: Top 5 Ways To Maintain Complete Control Over Your Life Maintaining control over your time and mind is crucial to your success in all areas of life. There is, however, one more major aspect that you must maintain complete control of before you can ultimately cruise on your path to success.That said aspect is your life and maintaining complete control over your life is much simpler than you think if you observe the following:1) Take proper and adequate care of your body and health. Always ensure you have a balanced diet of ... Fri, 06 Aug 2010 04:39:12 PST Improve Self Confidence By Being More Care Free Many people in life feel that they have a lack of confidence or that they have a low self esteem. In this article, I give free tips on how to imporove your self-confidence and how to increase your self-esteem. I myself have managed to change my whole life by using the information below which I am going to share with you. I hope it also proves beneficial for you. Sat, 07 Aug 2010 05:13:47 PST