The Advocates Show - Customer Generator (Plus 10 Associated Articles) A Web Site is an absolute necessity in today's tech savvy world. Although people have had web sites since 1994 and they have grown into something more engaging that is not just a set of information pages, but instead, a customer generating machine. Teo Graca and Stephen Adler talk about activating web sites and compare the old standard to Teo's antiquated RCA microphone. Sun, 04 Sep 2011 01:59:26 PST en-us The Advocates Show - Customer Generator Sun, 04 Sep 2011 01:59:26 PST The #1 Challenge for CHAMBERS in the 21st century The traditional service economy is changing into an experience economy around the world. People don't want to just receive good service, they are looking to experience it. It's hard at first to understand the difference between receiving and experiencing good service, but if you think in terms of some engaging service you currently enjoy and the difference between that and buying self-service gas for your car, you will have your first clue. Sat, 31 Mar 2012 02:57:10 PST Developing a Referral Networking Management System We want to attract new and sustained business and referral networking is the way to go. With this approach, any person becomes a potential referral partner for your business. So when speaking to anyone, remember that everyone can be your referral partner! Wed, 16 May 2012 06:06:50 PST New Computer Technology - When is Enough, Enough? New computer technology comes out continuously. As a computer consultant you probably want to keep up with all the new computer technology that comes along. You're most likely in love with technology - always looking for a new intrusion protection product to play with or another border-gateway protocol. What you have to realize is that your small business clients aren't experimenting with new computer technology and so you shouldn't be wasting your time investigating it. Sun, 04 Sep 2011 02:00:36 PST Does Technology Make The Difference In Business? Technology is perceived as the "enabler" for business. And with the recent commoditization of technology - the playing field has been leveled. Whatever technology, products and services company A can buy are also available to company B. So in effect technology should be the least significant component of any business and therefore it is not about technology. Wed, 05 Nov 2008 03:27:58 PST Business Technology Tools - What Others Have Done! Can You Do the Same? Some of the most successful businesses in the past few years have done so because of innovative technology they have purchased available in their industry. What does it take to make your business succeed? What is new out there in business technology that may help save your time or organize your sales force into a leaner, meaner machine?! Mon, 17 May 2010 03:52:51 PST Building Your Business in a Down Economy! The economy is in a down turn, and it's hard to know where the bottom is. Here is what I do know - some business will do well, and some will fold. Sun, 26 May 2013 07:28:53 PST Developing a Branding Strategy Most people think of a brand as a logo or image, but it is more fundamental than that. Branding is something that can be found in everything from color, font, sound, feel, and much more. It is perception. More than that; it is the consensus of perception. There are many ways that you can brand your business online and in person to generate a successful marketing strategy for your business. Thu, 21 Jul 2011 04:41:01 PST Baby Shower Invitations – Feel the Arrival of Your Expected One It’s not mandatory that a being a pregnant mom you need to sacrifice all your styles. It’s the baby shower ceremony knocking at your door. It’s a special one, which is just meant for your expecting one and need to be accomplished in style. That was the past when people love to choose traditional baby shower invitations for their purpose. Time has changed the thinking and now moms are looking for fashionable and personalized baby shower invitations. Sat, 23 May 2009 04:07:59 PST Christening Invitations are made for the Noble Cause A child in a home is a gift from God. When a child born and enters into the religious environment of the family, he or she needs to be welcomed by the family members and the society. In Christian culture christening is the occasion when a newborn or a child enters into the religious world of the family. Sat, 23 May 2009 04:08:00 PST If Something Shows Up 3 Times, Is That a Sign That It's Right for Me? Remember--you are accountable for everything that shows up in your life. Let's take a look at the word accountable more closely. There's two words buried within it; one is ABLE and one is ACCOUNT Sat, 23 May 2009 04:08:06 PST