AOL Gives Up The Ghost (Plus 3 Associated Articles) The company that dominated dial-up Internet use is coming to grip with the future. As broadband use increases dramatically, AOL has watched subscriptions decline and advertising dollars move to Google, Yahoo, and MSN. Facing approaching irrelevance, AOL has decided to act. Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:38 PST en-us AOL Gives Up The Ghost Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:38 PST AOL Fan Club We have noted over the years that AOL has been using nasty tactics like forcing downloads to users with slow machines on start up (1990's and beyond) without asking the user before engaging the download. This particularly ugly technique would lock up a user's computer many minutes or even lock up the computer before the user could spend a minute checking email. It is too late for AOL to change its ways, so let's just document its bad behavior and hope this juggernaut will mend its ways! Thu, 12 Nov 2009 03:41:00 PST AOL - MSN Beats Out Google In the ongoing AOL sweepstakes, it appears MSN may be the winner over Google. So, what will it mean for all three companies? Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:38 PST Shaolin Philosophy Takes Its Guiding Principle Of Enlightenment Through Meditation. Shaolin kung fu is not just about defending yourself against an attacker or inflicting bodily harm. Shaolin martial arts also stress discipline, respect for yourself and others, patience, and being humble even in victory. The mental training of Shaolin martial arts helps prepare the student for any events that may come. Being physically prepared for an altercation is good, but if you are not mentally prepared you will not be focused enough to use the tools that your body has.... Mon, 18 Oct 2010 12:39:28 PST