Developmental Disabilities (Plus 2 Associated Articles) Often vaccines are blamed for Autism and there maybe something to that, although some studies seem to indicate that ultrasounds during pregnancy might also be a real problem. This makes sense as the brain cells are forming in the beginning the slightest problem could cause them to fail to make the needed connections. How can that happen? Well, because sound echoes inside the womb and heats up the unborn fetus, that would normally be protected against just about everything. Fri, 17 Sep 2010 05:24:43 PST en-us Developmental Disabilities Fri, 17 Sep 2010 05:24:43 PST Developmental Disabilities - A Look at Autism and Ultrasounds Often vaccines are blamed for Autism and there maybe something to that, although some studies seem to indicate that ultrasounds during pregnancy might also be a real problem. This makes sense as the brain cells are forming in the beginning the slightest problem could cause them to fail to make the needed connections. How can that happen? Well, because sound echoes inside the womb and heats up the unborn fetus, that would normally be protected against just about everything. Thu, 11 Dec 2008 08:32:35 PST Hints For Working with People with Developmental Disabilities Here are some ideas to help you and everyone get along with people who have developmental disabilities. I collected these while visiting a friend. I looked these ideas over and realized that these ideas are great for getting along with everyone . . . not just people with developmental disabilities -- in almost any situation. See if you're already using some of these in your work areas. If not, you should be. Thu, 11 Dec 2008 08:35:01 PST