The Virtual Networking Teleconference (Plus 1 Associated Articles) We are true believers in the face-to-face process, but have been forced into other technologies due to time limitations and location. It's important to make establish a face-to-face relationship initially so that a connection can be made, but after that, the connection can be maintained much more easily through texting, email, phone calls, video conferencing and my favorite, teleconferencing. Sun, 04 Sep 2011 02:22:45 PST en-us The Virtual Networking Teleconference Sun, 04 Sep 2011 02:22:45 PST How To Do A Teleseminar If you are a consultant, business coach, teacher, professional, speaker, lawyer, direct marketer, or business trainer, you have knowledge and skills that can be of value to others and they’re willing to pay for that knowledge. Why not offer your services online? Here’s how to do a teleseminar. There is plenty of money to be made teaching. And a great way to make an income is by teaching about something you love and enjoy. Teleseminars have a very high profit margin and th... Mon, 01 Nov 2010 03:42:45 PST