Multiple Website Marketing (MWM) Strategy (Plus 10 Associated Articles) Multiple Website Marketing provides a single easy-to-use interface to control your websites and provide statistics that reflect the real value of your marketing efforts - traffic, not rankings. Mon, 29 Nov 2010 03:44:25 PST en-us Multiple Website Marketing (MWM) Strategy Mon, 29 Nov 2010 03:44:25 PST Personality Types and Video Production Length You can have long detailed versions and shorter versions of subject matter, but I still think a single subject per video is appropriate. I was reminded today that I am a pragmatist, and we like things to-the-point, but there are also the amiables and analysts that really like longer versions (for different reasons - amiables like to get to know you and analysts like the exacting details). Thu, 12 Aug 2010 09:09:39 PST 10 Ways to Build Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Organic Search results appear in the non-advertising areas of the search engine results page. This is the equivalent of FREE advertising, so search engine optimization (SEO) is a very important strategy for creating a successful web site. Note that for an effective SEO strategy, every one of these are essential to your site's success. Sun, 26 May 2013 07:19:53 PST Page County Landfill Scandal The Page County, Virginia landfill scandal is a powerful example of how government touches our lives – with bribes, nepotism, Mafioso connections, abuse of the poor and the uninformed citizen, and just plain jackbooted ugliness. This demonstrates how ordinary citizens and taxpayers are abused by a notion that governments – even local governments – are sovereign, all-powerful and can join with criminals to rape the public, without the slightest fear of punishment. Tue, 01 Jul 2008 04:58:37 PST Web 3.0 is Value and Ethics As we move away from the Web 2.0 standard, what is next? Well, as it develops, it is being called Web 3.0, but it still hasn't come into it's own. Sites like Craigs List and Wiki Pedia have shown us the proper direction, but other leaders in the social networking industry are still floundering in trying to find the proper path - they are missing certain points of common sense and ease-of-use that we will discuss in this article. Tue, 25 Mar 2008 08:53:35 PST Keeping Track of Social Media Changes and Adopting Solid Strategies Place your business in the path of opportunity so your dreams can come to fruition. Sun, 04 Sep 2011 07:11:13 PST eLearningZoom eLearningZoom is an early start-up company with the right vision to deliver the best simple to use online training solution to small to medium sized companies. We provide the most advanced, yet easy to use web-based elearning tools that enable subject matter experts and training professionals to build, deliver and manage eLearning solutions for their employees, customers and partners worldwide. Mon, 14 Apr 2008 06:16:47 PST Viral Video Marketing An effective way to advertise... Tue, 05 Jan 2010 11:21:29 PST How To Make Your Video Blog Look Good How To Make Your Video Blog Look Good Quick And Easy Tue, 05 Jan 2010 11:21:56 PST Website Fundamentals There are several things make your website an effective marketing tool. Among the most important are search engine optimization (SEO) techniques, social media marketing (SMO) techniques, building testimonials, creating a simple and easy-to-use system, writing and promoting articles on a regular basis, maintaining communications with potential customers, building drip marketing campaigns for each product or service you sell, and more. Thu, 10 Dec 2009 02:04:07 PST Net-Teams Standard Community System Most small business web sites have very little or no interactivity available to users that are looking to be engaged and participate in useful web sites. I have included a short list of some of the basic turnkey functionality we have available with the Net-Teams core software. You can use some or all of this functionality and attach some or all of it directly to your web site. Wed, 26 May 2010 05:10:44 PST