It All Comes Down To Keyword Research (Plus 5 Associated Articles) Keyword research is the basic skill or task that you must master if you want to be at all successful in the business of internet marketing. The essence of marketing is getting customers to buy your product right? And what are the important parts of that task?Well first you have to have a product. Preferably this product has some demand from the public that give it value. The public then has to know that they have the need that your product can remedy. Then they need to k... Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:49 PST en-us It All Comes Down To Keyword Research Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:49 PST How To Start an Internet Business – The First Step The vast majority of web sites are destined to fail before they are even built. Why? Because people building sites almost always put the cart before the horse. Actually, most don’t even include the horse. Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:48 PST Keywords: How To Use Them Properly On Your Website Because keywords help determine the ranking of your website, and therefore how visible your pages are to Internet traffic, it is important to use keywords properly in the creation of your site.In today’s world of Internet lingo, you may frequently hear the terms “keywords,” “search engine rankings,” and “keyword search results” bandied about. However, not everyone knows what keywords are, and how important they are to the success of a website.Keywords are ... Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:49 PST Keyword Research: It’s A Critical Step, Any Way You Slice It Keyword research: the foundation of every successful website out there. Find out what the visitors come looking for in your website and what you need to give them the solution for their problem. If they are searching something you need to have the PERFECT keyword for the guests. Sun, 24 May 2009 02:08:03 PST Using Overture For Keyword Research Be careful when you do keyword research, or you might optimize based on bad information. Watch for these four problems. Sun, 24 May 2009 02:08:08 PST Strange Internet Businesses Make Money Coming up with a profitable site that will make money can be a bit of a challenge. If you get a little strange, you can make money hand over foot. Don’t laugh! Sat, 20 Jun 2009 05:50:49 PST