Health Care Belongs At Home - Not In The Halls of Congress! (Plus 10 Associated Articles) It's amazing to me how so many Americans have allowed themselves to be duped by politicians who claim they can provide health care for them. Do Americans not understand that their health is their individual responsibility? Do Americans understand so little about good health that they think it can be provided by a politician, or a health insurance company, or a doctor, or worse from taking a pill? Thu, 19 Aug 2010 05:18:30 PST en-us Health Care Belongs At Home - Not In The Halls of Congress! Thu, 19 Aug 2010 05:18:30 PST Health Care is not Health Insurance It seems that whenever we hear a discussion of "health care" it is in the context of forty million people without health care and the implication is that "health care" equals "health insurance". There will be many articles to come discussing health insurance, but first, let's clarify what health care is because IT IS NOT HEALTH INSURANCE. Try as I might I cannot equate health care with health insurance and I have begun to realize that "health care" really means something different to everyone. Mon, 06 Apr 2009 08:54:53 PST Where Do Illnesses Come From? A big contributor to the health care crisis we face is the concern of people who worry about coming down with a devastating illness, and the feared high costs associated with major medical problems. The logical way to look at this is to understand that any illness is either "self induced" or "an act of God". Mon, 06 Apr 2009 08:57:22 PST You and the Health Care Debate There are basically two very different sides to the health care debate, but only one side is getting a great deal of publicity. This is unfair, but it is happening because politicians and new media people control media communications and favor a socialistic form of health care. Mon, 06 Apr 2009 11:02:15 PST Universal Health Care Is Not The Only Solution! The current health care debate seems to assume some kind of "government" run program is the best option to rein in rising health care costs that are threatening not only the financial health of millions of Americans, but their physical health as well. Mon, 06 Apr 2009 11:04:46 PST What Are the Four Biggest Obstacles to Good Health Care? The health care debate is heating up and it seems most of the voices we hear favor some form of universal health care and their premises are it is the right of everyone to have health care and the assumption that it works. Mon, 06 Apr 2009 11:07:27 PST Launching Dr. Health Care's Army The debate on health care has been raging for years, yet to this day politicians have been unable to enact a far-reaching health care program. Mon, 06 Apr 2009 11:11:22 PST Pretty Girls Russian Brides: A Smart Way to Build an Online Relationship Pretty girls Russian brides are being searched by thousands of Western men. Online and offline. In this article, you'll discover a smart way to build your online relationship leading to marriage with a Russian woman. Sat, 23 May 2009 04:08:09 PST Finest Russian Women Still Want American Men. Why? "Why are the finest Russian women so much more interested in corresponding with American men than are American women interested in corresponding with American men"? If you ask Russian ladies looking for American men about their motivations for seeking a husband abroad you may find out some convincing arguments for doing so. Sun, 24 May 2009 08:40:31 PST Casino Aquatique: Bienvenue Dans le Monde des Croisieres Vous souvenez vous de ce generique "Love Boat" ou si vous prefrez la serie La Croisiere s'amuse? Sun, 24 May 2009 11:20:14 PST Online Gambling is the American Dream Unless you are a Native American Indian your family immigrated to the United States in search of the American Dream, but what is the American Dream? Sun, 24 May 2009 11:20:18 PST