Making Money On Forgotten Websites (Plus 4 Associated Articles) A “forgotten” website is a site you may have created a few years ago that seemed like a great idea. Unfortunately, like many big ideas for the web, only a few realize their potential. The webmasters for these websites probably have tried banner ads, pay-per-click, and affiliate marketing and found that they could only make a few dollars per month. These money-losing websites often become forgotten, while the website owner begins work on another great idea. There are thousands... Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:51 PST en-us Making Money On Forgotten Websites Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:51 PST Reprint articles hijacked by text link ads - Great for authors! We all know that online publishers earn revenue from our free reprint articles. They place pay-per-click ads on the web page that contains the article, and the advertiser pays them whenever someone clicks on the ad. Most use programs like Google AdSense which automatically identify the subject of the article and deliver an ad related to that subject. Sun, 24 May 2009 09:54:51 PST How To Submit To Web Directories You finally took the plunge and registered a domain name. After months of building the website and writing and editing content, you are ready for business. You have this great website but no visitors. Generating traffic is paramount to having a successful website. One method of traffic is referrals from web directories. How to submit to web directories is a question that is easily answered, but developing a strategy for the best results might take a little time. Here is how t... Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:48 PST Link building Strategies for 2006 "off page" factors have become one of the important factors for search engine ranking. And link popularity is "off page" factor. Sun, 24 May 2009 02:08:03 PST Learning To Play Guitar Can’t Be More Fun As With Jamorama Learning to play guitar is a tough job. To learn playing guitar properly, you need an efficient coach, someone who would teach you all the varied lessons and how to pick a note and play a tune. You might wanna play the tune of “Hotel California” by the Eagles. Well, wait no more the perfect guitar coach for you is right here. It’s Jamorama with its 26 jam tracks to jam along and there are lots more. All the styles of music including rock, jazz, country, hip-hop, blues, and da... Thu, 25 Nov 2010 12:36:54 PST