Top 4 Affiliate Program Technologies I Am Recommending to My Retail Merchant Clients (Plus 2 Associated Articles) When beginning a relationship with a client I am always asked: “What affiliate tracking programs do you recommend?” It’s a little like asking what car do you like to drive: “Ah the good old days before kids… when I could put the top down on my Porsche and I would go blasting around town…”But I’m not dreaming and clients need succinct and thoughtful answers that show that I understand the market and I understand their needs and that I can recommend a s... Sun, 24 May 2009 01:19:27 PST en-us Top 4 Affiliate Program Technologies I Am Recommending to My Retail Merchant Clients Sun, 24 May 2009 01:19:27 PST Affiliate Marketing Programs: Join The Ranks Of The Super Affiliates Affiliate programs are the perfect way to optimise your website and to subsidise any income. Depending on the amount of work that you are willing to do to maximise your personal sites visitor count, the awards for being an affiliate are boundless. Through advertisements, emotive language and word of mouth you can create real interest in a website and if that site also carries affiliate advertisements, you could be in line for some substantial financial rewards. Even if you do... Sun, 24 May 2009 01:19:18 PST Affiliate Marketing Programs - The Importance of Developing a Relationship with Each of Your Prospects When it comes to a successful marketing plan, there is no greater tool for converting potential prospects into long term clients than developing a relationship with each of your prospects. You may be able to offer potential business prospects the best quality products and service, but unless they see you as something other than an impersonal web page or catalog, there is little else to keep them loyal when another clever advertising campaign comes along. Sun, 24 May 2009 01:19:24 PST