Before entering a new market, try testing it first (Plus 10 Associated Articles) Before your valuable time and money are spent building a website and infrastructure, here's one way to test the waters of a new possible online market with very little work. Sun, 24 May 2009 02:07:55 PST en-us Before entering a new market, try testing it first Sun, 24 May 2009 02:07:55 PST Affiliate Marketing - One of the Most Abused Technologies on the Web! There are literally 10's of thousands of affiliate programs out there, but how do you find ones that really pay? With over four months of review, auditing, sign ups and purchase through affiliate programs, we came up with 4 things to look for in Affiliate programs. Mon, 20 May 2013 02:30:08 PST What's Your Passion? Okay, you've decided you want to make money with Affiliate Marketing. So, you join some affiliate programs and start submitting free ads to newsletters and free advertising classifieds sites. You're going to make BIG money now -- right? Sun, 24 May 2009 11:20:19 PST How To Write Good Articles As a writer you may be ready to cash in on the need for web content. There is a lot of money that can be made through content writing if you know what web publishers are looking for in high quality content. If you are a very versatile writer you will find that you can actually make content writing your full time job! The new trend of article marketing has writers very excited because webmasters all over the Internet are hungry for talented writers who can’t pump out the high ... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:08 PST 5 Ways to Increase Targeted Visitors...That Work! I have talked to a number marketers on the Internet and by far the biggest reason most of them haven't made money is because they don't bring enough targeted visitors to their websites. Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:37 PST 7 Steps To Skyrocket Your Internet Business Profits. The "Secrets" behind super-successful Internet business profit increase finally revealed...If you want to know how they make it, you'll definitely need to know what they're doing. Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:37 PST Are You A Member Of Another Website? Exchange Links If you know anything about small business, then you know that some of a small business owner’s strongest business allies are other small business owners. When you are a part of the small business world, you realize that by working with other owners like yourself, you can often become more successful. This is especially true on the web as well as locally. If you want to promote your business more on the web, but have no budget to help you do so, consider working with other web... Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:38 PST A Closer Look At Micropayments During the early days of the Internet, most of the contents found online are provided for free, either by different institutions or universities. As the years go by, the Internet has experienced various innovations. One major factor in the evolution of the Internet is the consumers’ ability to purchase, sell and advertise products and services, a concept that is more commonly referred to as “e-Commerce”.As the popularity of the Internet continuously grows, it is only natu... Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:38 PST A Search Engine that PAYS YOU to make a Search? No, I am NOT talking about Google’s Adsense! As good as that is, it requires other people to “click” on the advertisements on your web site. This is a new Search Engine that will pay you, every time YOU make a Search using your very own Search Engine Portal. Plus they will also pay you every time someone else searches on your Search Portal. If you are involved in anyway with Marketing, I am sure that you can begin to imagine just how this could grow. Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:39 PST Building Your Way To Online Success-Part 3 Here is a recap of the content of our first two guidelines for getting a successful business started:Step 1: DECIDE WHAT YOUR BUSINESS IS GOING TO BEStep 2: CREATE A WEBSITEThis article will extend the ideas for CREATING A WEBSITE. In the last article we talked about the design of the site which provides a critical first impression with your visitors. Remember, with website design it is better to have no online presence than a lousy one.As important as the des... Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:39 PST Building Your Way To Online Success-Part 4 Just as a good business plan relies on a certain number of consistent factors to be successful, so too, does a well thought out and executed website. Your site can provide any personality you wish (i.e. fun, adventurous, touching, professional, etc.), but it’s important to tune your website to the frequency of both visitor and search engine.For instance, if the purpose of your website is golfing, but the majority of your written material is about something other than golf... Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:39 PST