Manual versus Automatic Submission (Plus 1 Associated Articles) One of the most effective ways to promote your website without spending a fortune doing so is through article submission. Manual or Automatic submission? Many people would say you should go for manual submission. Why is that? Sun, 24 May 2009 02:08:03 PST en-us Manual versus Automatic Submission Sun, 24 May 2009 02:08:03 PST Seven Tips To Article Writing Having difficulty to start writing an article? Actually, writing articles isn’t as hard as you may think. If you understand the rules of proper grammar, own a word processor or word processing software that includes a spell checker, writing articles becomes quite easy. You will find the following 7 tips useful to you.1. One step at a time. This is a common mistake, especially by the newbies in article writing. Think about what you want to say, then ignoring about spelling... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:11 PST