Blogging - Developing A Readership (Plus 10 Associated Articles) You've finally created a blog and you've made your first post. Now how do you get people to actually read what you're blogging about? Here are some tips on promoting your blog. 1) Quality Content - Interesting content will keep your readership returning. Update your blog regularly. Googlebot, which is Google's web-crawling robot loves content. The more you update your blog, the more frequent the search engine spiders will return to it.2) Take part in forums th... Sun, 24 May 2009 02:25:45 PST en-us Blogging - Developing A Readership Sun, 24 May 2009 02:25:45 PST Social Networking On Myspace And Friendster If by now you have not heard of Mspace or Friendster then maybe the world is moving too slowly for you. Young adults (teens and college age adults) are using the world of the internet to communicate in ways we had no inkling of a few years ago.Social networking is booming as young adults find one another online to chat, post comments, post photos, and share info about the latest happenings in their world to their Myspace pages and Friendster networking sites. It is not al... Sat, 23 May 2009 04:08:16 PST Confessions Of An Article Writer: Time Wasters! Managing a business means managing your time. Matt discusses five time wasters that can impede the profitability of any online business. Sun, 24 May 2009 09:54:47 PST From Blog to Article So, your brain is fried, eh? You can't think of what to right next? The inspiration for your next article may come from blogdom. Do not discount the value of these sites; something you read may spark you to greater works! Sun, 24 May 2009 09:54:47 PST Trends v. Fads Do you write for trends? Do you write for fads? Or both? Each segment has its own place in the field of writing and can, if you are wise about, be profitable to your writing business. Sun, 24 May 2009 11:20:19 PST Blogging Beyond Leaps And Bounds Blogging is a passion and the same time an opportunity to get places. People who often find themselves searching for identity and purpose would be surprised at how blogging can make a difference for them. Indeed, it is something worth checking and people who love to write about anything should very well check it out.And now for the one qualifier. Content may be king, but content alone is like a figure-head king who talks a lot but doesn't get anything done. For the monarc... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:04 PST Blogging: A Writer’s Journal A novel way for a writer to keep prospects and fans in the loop on their progress as a writer is through the use of a web log or ‘Blog’.“This notion of self-publishing, which is what Blogger and blogging are really about, is the next big wave of human communication. The last big wave was Web activity. Before that one it was e-mail.” – Eric SchmidtThis online tool has allowed many writers to share thoughts, humor, politics, and more with any and all who would visit. Si... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:04 PST How to Create Effective Web Publishing Content I frequently tell my coaching clients about the importance of regularly updating web site content. Fresh content keeps customers coming back and gets indexed more frequently by search engines. Novelty spurs attention, whether human or technological. A few months ago, I received a question from a student who really wanted to update his web site on a regular basis, but was struggling with finding new material. Here are a few ideas for generating fresh content: Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:07 PST Shouting Blog The Shouting Blog is a blog of latest generation which not only won the heart of teenagers in just a very small span of time but also provided them with the latest technology related stuff and news articles for which they were always looking. Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:11 PST We’re Not Bloggers – We’re Pizza Makers We recently attended at blogging conference in Chicago, SOBCon07, and David Armano of Digitas was one of featured speakers. David implored us to “stop calling ourselves bloggers.” And he presented the point that the word blogger can have a negative meaning.I think a blogger is someone who decides to launch a weblog , and it’s true, ANYONE can do that. Maybe we do need to separate ourselves somehow…Are they successful? Do they tire out? Is it interesting? Or boring? Are th... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:14 PST Writers Make Money Online When you think of making money writing, you often think of freelance writing, ghost writing, and writing novels... all of which you can do on the internet. However, I'm wanting to talk about the hidden opportunities for good writers in internet marketing (no, forget blogging).Information is the key to the internet, whether selling tangible or digital goods. To answer your question, yes, people buy ebooks all the time. They don't even mind paying for those physical books b... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:15 PST