10 Great Ways To Source Low Cost Products For Ebay. http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/4398 So you’re having trouble finding stock cheaply enough to sell it for a good profit? Well, you’ve come to the right place.Garage sales. The chances are you’ve gone most of your life seeing ads for these and ignoring them. Start going to as many as you can. You won’t find good things at every one, but when you find one person with good stuff, make them an offer for the lot – they’ll be so happy about it that you can get a real bargain.Markets. If your area has a ... Sat, 20 Jun 2009 05:50:22 PST en-us 10 Great Ways To Source Low Cost Products For Ebay. http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/4398 http://net-teams.net/nti/Display.cfm/4398 Sat, 20 Jun 2009 05:50:22 PST