AutoResponders: Excuse Me....Courtesy Please! (Plus 10 Associated Articles) Inappropriate use of Autoresponders: when submitting to Search Engines; when subscribing to Ezines/Discussion Forums; stealing email addresses from unsuspecting individuals/individuals who did not request your information Sat, 20 Jun 2009 05:50:24 PST en-us AutoResponders: Excuse Me....Courtesy Please! Sat, 20 Jun 2009 05:50:24 PST Attract Your Ideal Relationship Using the Law of Attraction Want to know how to attract your ideal mate? Build a list of all the things you didn't like about your current or last mate/partner. This list, we'll call "contrast," will help you understand. Sun, 24 May 2009 06:08:37 PST Healing Hopeless Relationships The Law of Attraction can successfully heal seemingly hopeless relationships! Sun, 24 May 2009 09:13:20 PST Making Money, Introduction to Autoresponders If you've reached the point of exhaustion trying to keep upwith answering the mountain of emails that threatens tobury you alive every single day, you're ready to learnabout autoresponders. Sun, 24 May 2009 10:37:09 PST Maximize Your Sales with the 2 Step Auto Responder Maximize your marketing and sales with some auto responder Improvements. Try some of these marketing promotional pieces, the tryed and tested 2 step mailing process. Guaranteed to boost you profits. Sun, 24 May 2009 10:37:09 PST How to Write Better Business Letters Writing business letters may be one of the best skills a business person can possess, especially during these times when few people possess it. The following tips will help you to construct better business letters. You can also adapt these principles to write better business e-mails, in terms of both format, style and tone. Sun, 24 May 2009 11:59:35 PST Are Your Subscribers Receiving Your Newsletter? In my e-mail one day, I received the following message: "Hello, I am a subscriber to your ezine and received the attached e-mail. Please advise if this is actually from your website. Thank you."The attachment was from my mailing list program. It was informing my dear subscriber that since her mail kept bouncing, "I`m not going to try again; this message has been in the queue too long."1. The ProblemWhy was my newsletter bouncing? My mailing list program reports re... Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:38 PST Autoresponder, the persistent salesperson Most people in sales will tell you that most sales occur after the prospect has said no a number of times. Setup your autoresponder to be that persistent salesperson.There is a number of different types of buyers from the hyper-excited. They want to buy it even before opening the email through to the most sceptical and most difficult to convince buyers. Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:38 PST Do Your Autoresponders Drive Your Customers Crazy? Writing chained auto-responder messages to sell a product is a good idea in principle, but in practice it can LOSE you clients just as well if you don't get right. A chained auto-responder is a sequence of emails that gets delivered automatically when someone subscribes to this autoresponder. It is used in marketing to deliver mini-advertisements, teaser courses, demo extracts, testimonials or stepped sales letters, and all of this is designed to get the client eventu... Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:41 PST Easier Way To Make Money Online! There have never been more people online with the desire to earn money then today. The big questions have been the same since the start and will not change in the future. Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:42 PST How To Use Autoresponder As A List-Building And Prospecting Tool One of the great features that you can have from an autoresponder is automatic response to anyone who requests more information about your business. You'll, then, take advantage of this feature to help automate your list-building and prospecting process (sometimes up to the sign up process), if you do it correctly.What you need to do is prepare 5 to 7 messages about your business and upload them into your autoresponder system. Set these messages to be delivered 2 to 3... Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:48 PST