Download Audio Books and Enjoy Your Favorite Books without Reading (Plus 8 Associated Articles) Love books? Learn all about downloadable audio books and how they can benefit you... Sat, 20 Jun 2009 05:50:35 PST en-us Download Audio Books and Enjoy Your Favorite Books without Reading Sat, 20 Jun 2009 05:50:35 PST How Audio Books Can Help You Get The Best From Your Workout There's no doubt about it. Audio books have made life a whole lot easier.For those of us who like to workout to stay in great shape, audio books can help us achieve this with less stress.No longer should you engage in workouts just listening to music or to the radio. Now, with audio books, you can kill 2 birds with one stone.Below are exact ways in which you can use the power of audio books to maximize your workout.One - there are educative audio books that wi... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:07 PST Best ten audio books to improve your mind The mind is the single most important factor in determining who we are and what we do as individuals. It is hence very important that we keep it active and nuture it regularly through reading the right books. Time has become a very precious commodity these days and one of the first things to be sacrificed is reading. However, with the advent of audio books, this does not have to be so. Sat, 20 Jun 2009 05:50:27 PST Creating Time With Downloadable Audio Books Are you wasting time commuting to and from work? Listening to music can be an escape but nowadays time is at a premium, so many people are choosing to use that valuable time for listening to audio books. Long commutes are definitely an ideal time to listen to downloadable audio books particularly for busy people that don't have the time to read books. Here is a list of some the other great times to listen to audio books:*Commuting*Biking*Jogging*Working Out at th... Sat, 07 Aug 2010 12:08:21 PST Find Insight And Knowledge From Self Help Audio Books You have probably never thought of an Audio Book as a tool for self help, motivation and growth. But the truth is, audiobooks are excellent resources of all kinds of information.A self help audio book may be an inspirational story about someone who survived a life altering event. Maybe you have challenges in your career and need the motivation to be strong and see it through. Audio books can provide wonderful insight for anyone needing personal encouragement.Audio boo... Sat, 07 Aug 2010 12:43:15 PST The Many Benefits Of Using An Audio Book An audio book is simply a book produced in a format that is audible. Audio books started in the Spanish language and soon blossomed into a multi-linguistic media. Many individuals and corporations use them for many reasons. You can purchase audiobooks on online store like http://spokenalliance.comThe very first audio book was produced in 1975 as a collection of short stories. The author was David Sánchez Juliao and the audio book was in Spanish. Since then, audio books ha... Sat, 07 Aug 2010 12:55:49 PST Self-help Audio Books Offer 7 Jumpstart Titles To Perk Up Your Mind Self-help audio books have been silently tuning up the minds of people around the world for many years. These days, superfast technologies allow you to comfortably download audio books within minutes and start your self-help audio books “mind massage” on the double.That is if you’ve paid attention to the food-for-thought your mind’s been grabbing and chewing on from what’s out there.Do you think many people take notice about what gets into their minds? And do you thin... Sat, 14 Aug 2010 11:05:58 PST Audio Books Online - History Repeats Itself I have tried to convince many friends to listen to audio books online. This really is not any different to reading a regular book, except that someone else's voice does the reading for you. Apparently the move from the 'traditional book' to a compact disc or mp3 has resulted in a large group of skeptical people who doubt that it is possible to truly appreciate a novel by listening, rather than physically reading. Funnily, it is actually the younger people that are harder to c... Mon, 27 Sep 2010 05:35:02 PST Learn Spanish With Audio Programs Look Up ‘Learn Spanish Audio’ MaterialSpanish is one of the most spoken languages throughout the world. Some reports say that there are more than four hundred thousand people the world over speaking Spanish. It is a very easy language to learn and since it is spoken in many countries across the globe, it can be very useful for you. Spanish language is very close to English. It is based in Latin like the other romance languages and it is written in the same alphabet as En... Mon, 18 Oct 2010 01:09:09 PST