Relationships: Taking Care of Yourself in the Moment (Plus 10 Associated Articles) Maria consulted with me because she was frustrated about the distance she felt in her relationship with her husband, Carl. He wanted to be close to her, but she didn’t feel close to him. Sat, 23 May 2009 04:08:12 PST en-us Relationships: Taking Care of Yourself in the Moment Sat, 23 May 2009 04:08:12 PST Bonding With Your Partner – Without Candles, Wine Or Lingerie! Summary: Many partners attempt to bond with candles, wine or lingerie, only to find their time together feeling flat, empty and passionless. In this article, discover what really creates bonding, intimacy and passion with your partner.A journalist interviewed me regarding intimacy in relationships. One of her questions was, “What are some of the easy ways in which husband and wife can bond - without candles and wine and expensive lingerie?”Easy ways? Well, it depend... Sat, 23 May 2009 04:07:59 PST Fear Of Commitment In my counseling work, I often work with clients who have a deep fear of commitment. These individuals generally say that they want to be in a loving relationship, yet they keep picking “the wrong people.”Susan, 38, sought my help because she was in two relationships at the same time. This didn’t feel right to her, so she knew that she had to make a choice. Yet she could not seem to decide which relationship was right for her. Susan had been in a relationship with Sha... Sat, 23 May 2009 04:08:02 PST Improve Your Relationship - 10 Ways to Fall in Love Again with your Partner How do we rekindle those amazing feelings of love that we felt at the beginning of our relationship? Discover ten powerful and practical ways that you can bring back those feelings and improve your relationship. Sat, 23 May 2009 04:08:07 PST Relationship Advice For Men – Little Things Make A Big Difference Do your feel that marriage is getting on top of you? If you feel the only answer is to break free, relationship advice for men will help you see things from a different perspective. It doesn’t take a lot to improve your marriage in fact it’s the little things that make a difference.Some men get it right at the outset but so often get too comfortable in a relationship and are oblivious to the advice that little gestures still count. They get to the stage where they feel th... Sat, 23 May 2009 04:08:12 PST Secrets to a Long Term and Fulfilling Relationship If you are in a state of dilemma, about how to carry forward your relationship. These keys to successful relationship will surely help you out in keeping your love forever. Sat, 23 May 2009 04:08:13 PST Seeking Love through Matchmaking for Marriage Relationships (I) We all see the revival of the millennium-old traditional matchmaking service industry. People looking for matchmaking service are serious love and marriage seekers. They are quite prepared to pay a huge amount of money in exchange for the highest rate of success in the shortest time possible.... Sat, 23 May 2009 04:08:14 PST The Powerful Secret to A Loving Relationship There are many factors that go into creating a loving relationship. Certainly it helps if two people have some things in common regarding how they like to spend their time. It also helps if they have common values around religion or spirituality, around politics, the environment, abortion, and personal growth. Sat, 23 May 2009 04:08:17 PST What You Say, What People Hear Communication between partners often gets confusing, and there is a very good reason for this. Most of the time, the words we use have far less impact than the energy behind the words. Therefore, what you say is often not what the other person hears. The energy behind a communication is determined by our INTENTION. In much of the communication between partners, there are two different intentions that can motivate any given communication: we are often either intent upon co... Sat, 23 May 2009 04:08:19 PST 5 Relationship Killers and How to Avoid Them Don’t let your relationship fail. Learn about 5 relationship killers and begin to heal the underlying fears that cause these relationship killers. Sun, 24 May 2009 05:15:27 PST Commitment Phobia: Are You Commitment Phobic? Marilee, a client of mine, was commitment phobic. “I’d love to be in a loving relationship,” she told me in one of our counseling sessions, “but I’m not willing to give up my freedom. I have a great life. I love my work and my friends. I love to travel and take workshops and classes. I don’t want anyone telling me what I can or can’t do. I don’t want to deal with someone feeling hurt because I want to work rather than be with him. It’s just not wor... Sun, 24 May 2009 08:06:28 PST