How to Drive Laser-Targeted Traffic Using Overture (Plus 10 Associated Articles) In an online marketing business like affiliate marketing, no traffic means no sales. That’s the reason why most affiliates or webmasters easily shell out even big bucks just to get top rankings on the search engines. Sat, 20 Jun 2009 05:50:41 PST en-us How to Drive Laser-Targeted Traffic Using Overture Sat, 20 Jun 2009 05:50:41 PST Lower Cost & Increase Conversion of Your AdWords Ads When you qualify your AdWords leads, you can reduce the click-through rate (CTR) of browsers and help direct only those most interested in your offer to your site. How is it done? By inserting text that will purposely eliminate arbitrary visitors. Sun, 24 May 2009 10:52:35 PST A Search Engine that PAYS YOU to make a Search? No, I am NOT talking about Google’s Adsense! As good as that is, it requires other people to “click” on the advertisements on your web site. This is a new Search Engine that will pay you, every time YOU make a Search using your very own Search Engine Portal. Plus they will also pay you every time someone else searches on your Search Portal. If you are involved in anyway with Marketing, I am sure that you can begin to imagine just how this could grow. Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:39 PST Do You Want To Get Paid Just For Making Searches? A brand new Search Engine has arrived, one that wants to GIVE you money! When you currently search the internet, you are probably using one of the Big Three Search Engines, like Google, MSN or Yahoo. Over 80% of us do, so why change? Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:41 PST Frogsearch PPC Search Engine Mini Overview FrogSearch helps you leverage your profit from PPC Search Engine Advertising:FrogSearch is affordable pay per click search engine advertising. Using the services of FrogSearch guarantees you a high quality targeted flow of traffic to your web sites. Targeted because the visitor is actually seeking what you are offering. They are pre-sold.FrogSearch Advertisers Enjoy Multiple Advanced Listing Tools:There are special features at FrogSearch that allow you to discover... Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:43 PST How Community Can Make A Difference In Fighting Click Fraud Click fraud is a multi-faceted problem, it costs ALL advertisers, it costs Google, and ultimately, it costs legitimate publishers in lost ad revenues. Anyone who has worked in law enforcement and loss prevention in the brick and mortar world can tell you that community involvement in policing efforts is one of the single most effective crime deterrents in existence. As a community of concerned web publishers and advertisers, we can take our cue from the most effective crime p... Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:45 PST How I doubled my Adsense Earnings When I joined the Adsense Program in 2004, I made $0.43 for the first month, $0,91 for the second month and so forth.Only in September 2006 I joined the $100 group. To be more precise, my first payment was approximately $170. It was then that I realized the potential of Google Adsense. I mean, to wait almost two years to see an income with Google Adsense is a very long time. But it was well worth it. Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:45 PST Affiliate Marketing -- Get In the Loop of Internet Home Business Have you ever dreamed of putting your destiny into your own hands? Or have you imagined that you could earn commission on a brand-name or niche product just by placing a link on your website or in your email? If you have, you may want to try affiliate marketing. Sun, 24 May 2009 01:19:18 PST Do You Make These Affiliate Mistakes? You’ve just come across a fantastic product and you’re thinking of signing up as Affiliate but before you get carried away, here are a few pointers that can save you both time and money! Sun, 24 May 2009 01:19:21 PST Should Affiliate Marketers still consider PPC as viable? Is PPC still a viable Affiliate Marketing strategy? With the recent changes that Google has applied to their Adwords program, making money by using Adwords as your primary method for driving traffic to your site is becoming more and more difficult. There are alternatives worth considering. Sun, 24 May 2009 01:19:25 PST Article Marketing - A Newbies Guide To Article Marketing Article Marketing is one of the most important tactics involved in internet marketing. The benefits of article marketing are many and it's not too difficult to make it a part of your internet marketing strategy. Read on to find out about things to take into account when attempting to incorporate article marketing into your overall online strategy. Sun, 24 May 2009 01:46:30 PST