Issues You Will Confront When Using Third Parties To Build Out Sites (Plus 10 Associated Articles) Nearly every ecommerce site revolves around a database to support inventory, listings and transactions. Building out the database can be a challenge. Here is what to expect. Sat, 20 Jun 2009 05:50:44 PST en-us Issues You Will Confront When Using Third Parties To Build Out Sites Sat, 20 Jun 2009 05:50:44 PST Online Scams: How To Avoid Getting Fooled Learn how to avoid the three most popular scams you will run into online without damaging the thrill of surfing the internet. Sun, 24 May 2009 11:20:18 PST Will the Democrats be able to Reverse the Online Gambling Ban Thanks to a mid term election win the Democrats now control both houses of congress for the first time in 12 years, but will they try to reverse the online casino ban and if they do will they be successful. Sun, 24 May 2009 11:20:19 PST Book Review Of Landmark Status By Alan Rolnick A novel based around real estate in Miami, I was not convinced that I would enjoy it. I had thoughts of tawdry love affairs among realtor’s, and board room struggles between power brokers. But, instead I found a hugely entertaining, and side splittingly funny novel that makes me chuckle every time I see the cover. This is humor at its very apex. Humor is a hard genre to be successful in but this author definitely has 'The Write Stuff.'Alan Rolnick has created a vignette o... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:04 PST How To Leverage Your Mindset For Success! Business is about influence, or “leverage.” Your book that you will author is a tool to leverage your credibility. And the first step in preparing your mind for success is to see yourself as an expert. Another way of looking at this is that you must sell yourself first to your dream of the possibility of becoming a best selling author. So there are really two sales that must take place: the first sale is the one you make to yourself. The second sale is the one that actual... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:08 PST How To Recognize And Monetize Your Expertise And Passion! Most people tend to dismiss what they’re good at. Part of it is that you become so accustomed to having whatever skill you have that you cease to notice it. Sometimes it is out of a sense of false humility. But every single person has innate talents and gifts that enrich people’s lives—AND provide a source of income for you.How can you discover what your true talents are? Let me give you a hint. Where your passion is, you will find many of your natural abilities that you ... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:08 PST Ten Secret Ways To Make Your Brain Get The Write Idea! Once you have an idea for a book and a plan for how to get it written and marketed, it’s time to put your brain to work with some writing exercises. Here are 10 different tips to help your brain get the ‘WRITE’ idea:• When an idea comes to you, usually unexpectedly, it is time to write ¾ right now! Record it on anything that’s handy and transfer it to full size paper as soon as possible so you won’t lose it. • You should write as long and as often as ... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:12 PST Why The Information Age Is Dead! The Information Age is dead. We stand at the cusp of a new era. We used to live in the Information Age, but you know how it goes when everyone jumps on the bandwagon. Too much of a good thing became a bad thing. I know you feel it. We both know that everyone is glutted with more information than we know what to do with. You surf the web and there is page after page of information, right? But how do you sort and sift through it all and solve your problems? How do you get what... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:15 PST Write For You - A Reader Focused Writing Primer You want to write better, more engaging articles and content right? You want to get your message across and you want your call to action….actioned right? I am no writing expert, but I can tell you one thing, the secret to writing better starts with one tiny word….. YOU!Your readers (And maybe your potential clients/customers) read what you have written for a reason. They read because they want to gain something from it. THEY want to gain something. They are not interested... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:15 PST Your Book Arrives From Your New York Publisher! A large box arrives from a New York Publisher. It’s here—YOUR BOOK! You hurriedly rip it open and take the first book out. There it is…YOUR NAME as the author of your first book. You forget to breathe and your heart skips a beat in excitement.You caress the spine and read the title and your very own name again. The cover looks great. You read the back cover and study it carefully. Even though you saw the proofs, it’s like you’ve never seen it before. Your excitement... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:18 PST 5 Tips For Developing A Website For Your Audience Developing a website is important if you want to be a player in ecommerce. However, you don’t want to just develop a website any old way. Instead, you want to develop a website for your audience. When doing research online you have probably seen generalized information on how to develop a website, however it is unlikely you have found significant information on how to develop a website specifically for your audience. The following tips will be really helpful to you to develop... Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:37 PST