The Quick And Easy Way To PPC Advertising (Plus 9 Associated Articles) The Quick And Easy Way To PPC Advertising for Maximum Web Promotion Sat, 20 Jun 2009 05:50:50 PST en-us The Quick And Easy Way To PPC Advertising Sat, 20 Jun 2009 05:50:50 PST Affiliate Marketing -- Get In the Loop of Internet Home Business Have you ever dreamed of putting your destiny into your own hands? Or have you imagined that you could earn commission on a brand-name or niche product just by placing a link on your website or in your email? If you have, you may want to try affiliate marketing. Sun, 24 May 2009 01:19:18 PST Don't Let The Wrong Google Adword Keywords Take You Broke During The Holidays! Sure, you're looking to get as much bang for your buck from the holiday PPC traffic as possible, and who could blame you? Just make sure that the "bang" you hear is that of the cash register drawer slamming shut, and not your hand slamming against your forehead because of all the money you wasted on ineffective keywords.Holiday shoppers will click on anything that even remotely looks interesting without necessarily having any intent of buying once they get to the site.... Sat, 20 Jun 2009 05:50:24 PST Are You Getting Bumped On Google Adwords? Many people don't know how bids are managed on Google Adwords. This article explains how it works and you'll also understand why Google doesn't show you how much are your competitors bidding. Sat, 20 Jun 2009 05:50:24 PST Buy Unique Visitors PPC Submissions Guaranteed visitors sounds good doesn't it? Targeted interested people reading your copy, your titles and clicking on your links. Where do you find the kind of visitors that are air breathing, mouse clicking ever looking for the silver bullet that will set their income on fire?Well you can do it many ways for free online and those types of promotions should not be ignored of course but the most direct method is to buy unique visitors. You may or may not have ever used pay... Sat, 20 Jun 2009 05:50:29 PST Measure Ppc Advertising The efficiency of any program, plan or campaign is known by the results it achieves. The result of a PPC advertising campaign would be to increase the sales of the products/services it advertises. It is said in Quality Management, “If it can’t be measured, it can’t be achieved”. So the advertiser would have to measure the results to know the success of his program and therefore to take actions based on that. Sat, 20 Jun 2009 05:50:45 PST Pay Per Click advertising is highly targeted and results are quantifiable PPC advertising campaigns are fast becoming favorite of online advertisers. The inherent benefits coupled with budget flexibility are making this advertising strategy increasingly popular. This advertising tactic promises better ROI but to get optimum results, it needs high degree of professionalism to manage and analyze the entire PPC advertising campaign. Sat, 20 Jun 2009 05:50:46 PST Pay Per Click Search Engines Before promoting one's site through a pay per click (ppc) search engine, it is very important to take into account a few important points. Paying attention to the following points will not only increase one's conversion rate, but it will also minimize the advertiser's chances of losing one's funds as a result of fraudulent clicking.Title and descriptionWhen choosing the title and description for one's advertisement, one should take special care to include factual, att... Sat, 20 Jun 2009 05:50:46 PST Pay Per Click Search Engine Marketing - Starting A Campaign Pay per click advertising is an on-going and growing arsenal for all entrepreneurs world wide. Whether your have a small business or a large business, buying a search engine placement is definitely the way to go. Sat, 20 Jun 2009 05:50:47 PST Stop Wasting Money on SEM: Know Your Customer to Know your User This article describes how to effectively manage your SEM approach by focusing on your customer’s needs. Before starting the SEM work, understand & know your customer. Sat, 20 Jun 2009 05:50:49 PST